Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This night was so special for Travis. He is now officially a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. First and foremost his Stake President asked his sisters, mom and dad to give him advice for his mission. Tears immediately started flowing and the spirit was so strong. Then he was set apart as a missionary with a beautiful blessing. Afterwhich he was asked by the Stake President to bear his testimony for the first time as a missionary to his friends and family. Those who were there were witness to a special moment and a strong conviction of love for our Savior and for his work. We all lingered after and took pictures and chatted. The little boys kept going up to him and starring straight up at his face. You could tell they felt his love and his new position as a Missionary. He said an emotional goodbye to Kami's, Tamra's and Patrice's family before heading back home to pack last minute things and prepare to leave on Tuesday the 19th of July for Utah.Photobucket

Farewell Sunday - July 17th

Today was a GREAT DAY in the house of MYERS! Travis had a wonderful farewell Sunday. He gave a very moving talk as did others. Travis talked about being a christian and how he believes he qualifies for that title. He also talked about his heritage as a descendant of William Williamson. The best part was his testimony. It was pure and powerful. Wasn't a dry eye on my row of family! We also had two special musical numbers. One was "Oh How Lovely Was The Morning" and the other was a men's chorus of "An Angel From On High". Such beautiful music. We had a wonderful family/friend dinner after church. Mom brought everything for the taco salad, made homemade banana pudding, lemonade, salsa, chips, and Laurie brought Brownies and cherry cheesecake. Right after church we started preparing for the dinner and had some helping hands with friends Devin Bastian, Jacob Khalil,and family, Leanna and Krista Johnson. A special visit from his fellow Basketball team members made the day perfect. They re-sang the hymn "An Angel From On High" for them and then Laurie sang "I will Go And Do" at the piano. After the clean up (headed up by Tom...the hardest working/clean up man around!) we all visited and took short naps until that evening at 6 when we had Travis' setting apart as a missionary. We had an amazing time talking, hugging, sharing, and just enjoying each other. Families are FOREVER!

HOLY GROUND - Williamson Heritage

The next morning after our surprise party we met Travis on a special piece of property in Vidor, Texas. This is the location that 2 missionaries were lost in a storm and found their way to Travis' 5th great Grandpa William Williamson (on his mom's side). When William Williamson saw these two young men he said, "Them there's my men". Shortly after he took them in and learned the gospel he was carried in a wagon (due to his poor health) and baptized. His Son Jasper was baptized and then Jasper's daughter Maggie, then her son Wade Hayes, then his daughter Rachel and then Travis. If it weren't for those two missionaries 1,000's of decendants would not have the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The photo of Travis walking with the field behind him was the actual field the missionaries came through and found William Williamson. Travis is the last living 5th Great Grandchild of William Williamson. Now he's blazing his OWN trail as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Family SURPRISE Party - Celebrating Travis


TEMPLE DAY! July 9, 2011

Today Travis went through the Houston LDS Temple. What a wonderful day that was for all of us. Leanna watched Tamra's kids in the Visitor's Center while Uncle Daniel & Patrice, Uncle Paul & Tamra, Uncle Chad & Ashna, Laurie, Uncle Marshall, The Palfreymans, Susan and Joel, and Travis' Mom and Dad attended with him. After the spirit filled experience we all gathered at Pappasitos Cantina. YUMMY Tex-Mex food for all. Family is the BEST!

My newest Nephew...Thomas Hayes Long

Today was baby Thomas' LDS blessing July 3, 2011. He will be two years old when Travis returns. Travis was there to be a part of his blessing today. This is Travis' brother, Donny's baby. Baby Thomas was named after Grandpa Tom.

Here's Travis packing his bags for two years. Travis and his parents are headed out after his setting apart July 17th. They are driving from Texas to Utah.


Friends and Family were thrilled to join Travis on his special night. MENDOZA, ARGENTINA!!!! Entering the MTC July 27,2011 at 1:10 pm.
