Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baptisms in Malargue!

Hey mom and dad! I loved hearing about all the Thanksgiving activities ya’ll had last week! Sounds like a real party! I loved seeing the pictures that were sent too!! Those were great! Elder Stufflebeam and I have been really blessed this week. We had some really great experiences. I have always heard that God prepares people, (usually during trying times), to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. This week I was able to witness first hand how God works with people. Yesterday was a great day. Elder Stufflebeam and I made a goal that we were going to focus on getting new investigators, because thankfully, two of the investigators we have now are getting baptized this week and we believe there might be one more that is ready to commit to baptism. Any way, to make a long story short, we “just so happened” to run into a lady who wasn’t sure about the churches she had attended and was worried about her daughter’s salvation. Because of her concerns, we were able to give her the first lesson. Another day we got lost looking for a house but ended up finding a man who was home. This man told us that he is hardly ever home but was really in a time in his life that he wanted to know if the church he was going to was true. We met another man that was baptized when he was young and had become inactive. The timing could not have been better for us to meet him because he really wants to come back to church. And finally we met another man who was taking a walk and in our conversation with him, I just happened to say, "We have a message about how God can bless our families." We learned later that the reason this man was taking a walk was because he was having serious family problems and had decided to go on a walk to get away from it all. I don´t believe any of those experiences were just coincidence. There are many other stories like this that are just starting to happen here. We have our last major project coming up here this Saturday and I believe with prayers and obedience, it will go exactly the way the Lord would have it go. Love yall back home! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Travis Myers

PS- I will be sending pictures next week. Next transfer I am about a 100% sure I am going to have a Latin companion, We have to cook quite a bit here so I have learned to cook pretty well. Something interesting--people drive really slow here sometimes (as in 5 miles an hour on the main roads) I’m not kidding!!!. We actually walked in front of a truck that was about 20 feet a way because it was moving so slow.
(In Travis’ last letter to us, he had mentioned that he was learning how to type and play the piano. Thinking that he was spending too much time developing those talents, I wrote a letter to him and gave him some “mama counsel” In offering him counsel, I told him that I did not want to offend him in any way and that I hoped he would take the counsel in the spirit that it was given I suggested to him that maybe learning how to type and play the piano was a talent he might need to learn after his mission—not during his mission I also listed some developed talents he had taken with him to Argentina such as the talent of putting on production, the talent of singing, and the talent of developing a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ- R Myers)
PPS Mom, I am not offended by anything you said, I only work on my typing when I am writing e-mails once a week and so I’m not taking up any extra time I have already noticed improvements in my typing!! I don´t really have to look down at the keyboard anymore!!! As far as the piano, I think I will be putting that away until I believe I can speak fluently (which might be for quite some time) When I did practice the piano, it was only for about 5 minutes a day. I realize the talents I have developed. My patriarchal blessing says I have been blessed with many talents, but it also says I have other talents that need to be developed and I should ask God how I should go about developing these talents and abilities. I have actually prayed about it and have received specific revelation on how to develop some other talents while here in Argentina. Who knows, in the future, the Lord might need to use me in the mission offices where typing skills will be needed and if not, I can share more details of my mission with ya’ll. I just want the Lord to be able to use me in as many ways as He can and I want to be the best servant to Him that I can be. I love you mom and I promise I´m only going to develop these things in the Lords time. Love, Your son Elder Travis Myers

(After I received his weekly letter- Tamra’s response to his letter was, “Mama, what he was really saying to you was, ‘Mom, please don’t worry about me because I am about my Father’s business.” I was once again proud of his spiritual maturity and realized that he is totally relying on the Lord for guidance, which gives me much comfort and joy!. Rachel Myers)
