Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Questions and Answers - WEEK 3 MTC

Do you need me to send the PLAN, REPENTANCE WHEEL, PICTURES, CUPS for teaching the foundation and organization of Christ’s Church, ETC? (I haven’t worked on any visuals since I got back. All I need to do is translate the visuals into Spanish—Laurie said I could do that online)
ANSWER: YES! I can probably translate them into Spanish now! (well, for the most part)

Have you received any of the Rice Krispy Treats?...
ANSWER: Yes! Everybody loves you because I handed them out in class. They are awesome! You are awesome!

PS FOR MOM: I love you so much mom and I hope you never forget it. I'm sending a long letter today with my memory card…

When you say you are teaching an investigator, does that mean you are doing role play?
ANSWER: Teaching an investigator means our teachers pretend to be investigators. We have to commit them to baptism some how in Spanish. I love it because I can learn from it, know what I need to work on, and I can mess up on them and not real people. I accidentally asked “Rogelio" (the investigators name) to read 3 Nephi 10 (suppose to be 11) Some Sisters in the class asked “Rogelio” to read Acts 16:3 and to pray about it. (read that for a good laugh)

Acts 16:3: Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek.

Dad…I’ve told some Elders here that you are a chemical plant operator and they were saying, “Wow, that sounds awesome!” I’ll let them talk to you first before they change their careers! Oh, I met an Elder whose dad owned Burger King.
For exercise I work out on the 3rd floor of the Gym, and my knee doesn’t hurt at all. I was playing a few games here and there (hardly what you would call playing) but some Elder got sent home because he tore his ACL, MCL, and MINISCUS while playing basketball. So now, I’m not playing basketball for the rest of my mission. Tell mom, she’ll be happy.

Love ya! Elder Myers

Monday, August 15, 2011

2nd week at the MTC

Hey everyone!

I actually have less time than usual, but I want everyone to know that I’m doing just fine and I have already seen miracles while I’ve been here at the MTC. My companion Elder Tingey came here with no Spanish background and in complete horror of learning a new language! He is progressing faster than almost anyone in our group! I’m having a rough time with the language right now but sometimes I hear myself speaking full sentences in Spanish without me realizing it. I realized that I have to let the Lord take over if I want this to work, so, that’s my plan. I can now bear my testimony and say my prayers in Spanish. I feel like I’m learning so slow, but at the same time, I know more now than after three years of Spanish in High School. I have to go now, but I love you guys! Talk to ya later!


PS.…Don’t worry Dad… I’ve got all your letters. I “presheate” them. Tuesdays are when we can check and write letters and that’s our only time to do so. Last temple trip was awesome and I’m about to go with my whole district in a little while. Laundry takes forever!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FIRST MTC LETTER!!! August 2, 2011

(This is the guy Travis is referring to in his letter below.)

Hey Guys! My P-Days are on Tuesday so look forward to hearing from me then. I miss you guys a ton and I loved reading your messages. I guess I'm suppose to write the Ward sometime so you might be getting that letter sooner or later. I hardly have any free time. I guess my District (or class) is in a Pilot Program for Spanish. We had to teach an "investigator" on our second day in Spanish. It's difficult. I know exactly what I want to say but I have no idea how to say it. Somehow we get our point across. They want us to stop speaking English as soon as possible. I don't feel like I'm really getting it yet, but at the same time, I'm using more Spanish than I ever have. The Elders y Hermanas in my class are awesome. (threw in some Spanish there) It seems like we've already been through so much together, although it's only been a week, It's like we've known each other forever. Remember the guy we met at Salt Lake who was going to Argentina and said he knew a Drew Tingey going to my same mission? My companion is Elder Tingey. He is from Idaho Falls (Paul should approve) and was a triple jumper on the BYU track team. It seems like he knows everybody in the MTC because we’re always stopping and saying hello to people. I'd say we are getting along pretty well too. He's a really cool guy. The other elders are great guys too and it would take too long to describe all of them. I miss you guys and I hope to hear from ya soon!
-Elder Travis Myers

Mom- Hey mom. I love you so much and just want you to know I'm trying my best to learn the language and I can't find enough hours in the day. I have to go to the temple pretty soon but I must say, that the study we did before we left, helps alot. I've already been teaching others. Love ya!

Dad- Dad. It's been good. I know I would tease you guys about the Texan accent, but people are starting to catch me using it. The other day I said "iten't that thuh fee-ild" when I meant to say, "Isn't that the field?" All is well.- Hurrah!

MTC DAY!!! July 27,2011 (1:15pm)

(Mom's lipstick marks...classic!)
(The field is white already to harvest??? hahaha)

(Travis said, "Good thing ya'll are my nieces!) haha

(Hurrah for Israel!)

HARDEST PART OF THE WEEK. Saying goodbye to ANYONE for two years is tough. Especially when it's someone you love so much. Travis was strong all day. He told Laurie that he's holding up pretty good and probably 'cause he cried it all out that morning! We met Rob at California Pizza Kitchen for one more "Last" and had great pizza and salad. Mom and Laurie broke down several times before we got to the MTC parking lot. We are just gonna miss him so much. When we got to the parking lot, the attendant told Mom and Tom to take their time and enjoy him a little while longer. VERY sweet man. 100's of missionaries were taking pictures and being dropped off today. We took pictures, hugged, more pictures, and hugged some more. Travis said we better get going and we packed in Laurie's van and headed to the drop off point. You don't get but a few minutes to unload and say goodbye. Leanna, Krista and Laurie were first, followed by Dad, and then a very tearful Mom. As he was starting to walk towards the doors an Elder from TEXAS we know (sugarland) was passing us by. He was a host that day taking in another missionary. We yelled "JAKE!". He turned around and with a big smile walked up to us and shook our hands and talked to Travis. Travis seemed to relax after seeing him. He was looking a tad bit nervous before. Seeing a familiar face was good for him AND us. Elder Jake Kane (going to Spain in a few weeks) switched with Travis' host and helped him all the way in the doors. They were talking and smiling rolling those bags. We watched them and then right before he entered the doors turned around and held up his fist high in the air. We didn't get a picture of that precious moment, but we all knew what that meant...HURRAH FOR ISRAEL. We then dropped Mom and Dad off at their car and they started their journey driving back to Texas. We already miss them but know they and Travis are in good hands.

Tuesday before entering the MTC - Salt Lake Temple Day

Today was the very best day. We got up late and dressed for a full day at the temple. We first did baptism's with the girls (Leanna and Krista) with Travis baptizing for the first time. Krista went first, Leanna and then Tom (his dad). We did family names and felt the spirit so close as that ordinance was performed. Then, Travis and his parents did some more work in the temple while Leanna, Krista, and me (Laurie) ate at the Lion House, walked the temple grounds taking pictures, and saw the Joseph Smith movie at the JS Memorial Building. We caught up with them then continued to take pictures and headed to the top of the JS Memorial Bldg for a bird's eye view of the temple and it's beautiful grounds. Temple work is the best! Travis ran into another missionary and his family taking pictures. Just so happens he is headed to Argentina as well! He said his best friend is going to Mendoza and checking in tomorrow as well. Small world. After this full day we headed home to pack and get ready for the emotional day ahead. Mom hemmed his baptismal pants, and Laurie made his luggage tags before heading to bed.

THIS IS THE PLACE monument and park

Mom LOVED this place. Said it's better than NAVUOO! She was loving it, each and every shop until we started walking uphill with the blazing sun coming down on us! She stopped at a house, looked in, came outside and said, "Ya'll go on! I'm not going! It's too hot and uphill." We laughed and laughed. She stayed put in the shade and we hiked up a little ways to Mary Fielding's Home. After the fun of the park, we watched the Pioneer movie they were showing then headed home. Brigham Young's Farm house and Gordon B. Hinkley's mom's ancestry log home were our favorite spots today.

PIONEER DAY! Days of 47' Parade

Lucky for us Laurie's Brother & Sister-in-law (Craig and Darci Johnson) camped out the night before the parade to get us PRIMO spots for watching the parade. The Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, was in a car and as we watched him get closer and closer to us the crowd got quiet, calm and just stood up and waved. It was a very tender moment. Total respect in the crowd for the mantel in which he holds. He looked RIGHT AT Leanna for that great picture you see above. Travis and Mom have the tie for the most shocked and smiling spectator as he drove by. After that we could have all died happy. lol Anyway, we stayed just until the end and headed to our next stop for the day - THIS IS THE PLACE Monument.
