Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday before entering the MTC - Salt Lake Temple Day

Today was the very best day. We got up late and dressed for a full day at the temple. We first did baptism's with the girls (Leanna and Krista) with Travis baptizing for the first time. Krista went first, Leanna and then Tom (his dad). We did family names and felt the spirit so close as that ordinance was performed. Then, Travis and his parents did some more work in the temple while Leanna, Krista, and me (Laurie) ate at the Lion House, walked the temple grounds taking pictures, and saw the Joseph Smith movie at the JS Memorial Building. We caught up with them then continued to take pictures and headed to the top of the JS Memorial Bldg for a bird's eye view of the temple and it's beautiful grounds. Temple work is the best! Travis ran into another missionary and his family taking pictures. Just so happens he is headed to Argentina as well! He said his best friend is going to Mendoza and checking in tomorrow as well. Small world. After this full day we headed home to pack and get ready for the emotional day ahead. Mom hemmed his baptismal pants, and Laurie made his luggage tags before heading to bed.

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