Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Questions and Answers - WEEK 3 MTC

Do you need me to send the PLAN, REPENTANCE WHEEL, PICTURES, CUPS for teaching the foundation and organization of Christ’s Church, ETC? (I haven’t worked on any visuals since I got back. All I need to do is translate the visuals into Spanish—Laurie said I could do that online)
ANSWER: YES! I can probably translate them into Spanish now! (well, for the most part)

Have you received any of the Rice Krispy Treats?...
ANSWER: Yes! Everybody loves you because I handed them out in class. They are awesome! You are awesome!

PS FOR MOM: I love you so much mom and I hope you never forget it. I'm sending a long letter today with my memory card…

When you say you are teaching an investigator, does that mean you are doing role play?
ANSWER: Teaching an investigator means our teachers pretend to be investigators. We have to commit them to baptism some how in Spanish. I love it because I can learn from it, know what I need to work on, and I can mess up on them and not real people. I accidentally asked “Rogelio" (the investigators name) to read 3 Nephi 10 (suppose to be 11) Some Sisters in the class asked “Rogelio” to read Acts 16:3 and to pray about it. (read that for a good laugh)

Acts 16:3: Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek.

Dad…I’ve told some Elders here that you are a chemical plant operator and they were saying, “Wow, that sounds awesome!” I’ll let them talk to you first before they change their careers! Oh, I met an Elder whose dad owned Burger King.
For exercise I work out on the 3rd floor of the Gym, and my knee doesn’t hurt at all. I was playing a few games here and there (hardly what you would call playing) but some Elder got sent home because he tore his ACL, MCL, and MINISCUS while playing basketball. So now, I’m not playing basketball for the rest of my mission. Tell mom, she’ll be happy.

Love ya! Elder Myers

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