Friday, September 2, 2011

August 19th Letter from MTC

Madre Y Padre!

I have been doing so much better. The language is still kinda slow but I think I’m going to get it . I have been studying topics so I can teach my investigators better. I began studying about the Word of Wisdom (aka la plabera de sabadiria) The other day a pair of missionaries were ask about the Word of Wisdom and had no idea what was going on. I didn’t want that to happen to me, so I started (e) studying. First I read D&C 89 of course, and then kinda outlined how the chapter went, which verses covered the intro, tobacco, alcohol, blessings, and things you should eat. Then, when Elder Maughn, (District Leader) was reading Jesus the Christ he said, “Check this out!. Adam and Eve always had the Word of Wisdom!” So I looked in Genesis and noticed something I had not seen before. I learned they were only commanded to eat grains and other whole foods---NO MEAT.—the Word of Wisdom! I read it and read it again. I then looked up Word of Wisdom in the Topical Guide and found a huge list of scriptures where the Lord commanded his servants not to drink wine. I was “flewgerbusted!” (family joke R Myers) I accidentally turned to cleanliness in the Bible Dictionary and there it was again in Lev. 10 I kept reading other scriptures about the Word of Wisdom and learned that a SIGN for those who kept the Word of Wisdom was that they did not cut their hair. I looked in the footnotes and found in Judges 12 and 1`3 where Samson’s mom was commanded to not cut Samson’s hair. Guess what the verse above it said? “Do not drink wine or strong drink” I was saying to myself, “No way!” Once again I was “flewgerbusted” I haven’t read the full story of Samson yet but I fully believe that the reason why Samson was so strong was because he kept the Word of Wisdom. I felt like Daniel for that whole hour of study.time. It was great! Hopefully I can have more study sessions like that. . I have a few other things that I’ve learned but I need to ask Daniel some questions before I can share some more of what I am learning. Also, every time I go to the temple I learn something new! One of my goals for my mission (on a personal level) is to KNOW the SCRIPTURES. I want to have a scripture in mind for almost any topic. It seems like some of the elders are already turning to me for scriptures and I want to always be able to tell them where they can find certain scriptures. Oh well, I guess that’s all I have to say. I love you both so much and I just want to thank you both for teaching me the gospel (el evangelio) and the scriptures, (las escripturas). Of course I don’t know it all but I believe by the time I leave the MTC I will know the scriptures better than I ever have and I’ll be able to help others around me. I just want to build the kingdom. I love you and love hearing from you..
Love, Elder Myers

PS. Elder Tingey and I are getting a new companion! I want to say the new elder’s name is Elder Swarts. This means we are going to be a trio! . His district is leaving Thursday. but because he broke his foot , he can’t leave with his district. If he doesn’t get well before we leave, he will be sent home, so keep him in your prayers.

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