Sunday, September 18, 2011

"God Loves You..."

Hey Mom and Dad!
…There is a sister (Sister Juan) in our District that has this really interesting laugh. Usually you laugh by exhaling, right? Well, instead of doing that, she laughs while inhaling. On Monday we had to teach our other classmates a lesson and it was our turn to teach Sister Juan (‘Nina” was her Spanish name) She acted as an investigator. Right before our lesson, something happened that was apparently funny and the whole class started laughing. I for some reason decided to laugh very nerdy and loud. I then said, “Wow! That’s an obnoxious laugh!” Sister Juan went silent. I was horrified. Everybody kept joking around and she ended up saying, “The more comments from you elders, the harder this lesson is going to be.” I was thinking, “Wow, Elder Myers, you are the biggest jerk!” Well, we taught our lesson and every thing seemed fine. Afterwards in class, our teacher (Hermano Paz Soldan) was outside talking to another student (Elder Wheeler) so I took the opportunity to apologize. I said, “Hermana Juan, you weren’t offended by anything I said in the lesson, were you?” “…No, what are you talking about?” So in essence, she didn’t hear what I said and I had to explain why I thought she might be offended---not exactly what I had in mind to do. Oh well, “I ain’t-a –care-in.” (one of Travis’ favorite lines from an old Jimmy Stewart black and white movie RM)
So on a more spiritual note, I was feeling kind of down this week. I felt like the Spanish was not going very well. I even felt like my teacher was discouraged with the progress of how my lessons were going. The next day I just prayed and ask Heavenly Father to help me in the language and for my teacher to have faith in me. That very day we had a one- on-one teacher session. I ask him about the Plan of Salvation because I was having a hard time teaching it in Spanish and he explained it the best way possible. He went on to say, “Elder Myers, God loves you. He called you on a mission to Argentina because He knows you and needs your help. He trusts you and knows you can do it.” … He said a few more things... it was like God was talking to me through him. Since that experience, I know exactly what has to happen when I’m teaching my investigators. It was an awesome experience!...
Love you both so much,
Your son, Elder Myers

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