Monday, November 7, 2011

Learning the PIANO!

Hola. I don’t have much time this week because of a mission project I have been working on -but know this, by the end of the week I will be helping teach the first lesson in front of a fairly large audience of people in a language I don’t completely understand! Awesome huh? My new companion is Elder Kammerman and he is a very good Elder. He only gets to be here for three weeks because of military purposes. Here is some advice for those of you wanting to go on a mission. LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO! (One of the Elders in our group, Elder Luke, is teaching me how to play the piano. It would have been better if I had learned to play the piano before my mission) Also, do every thing you can do to improve your memory because having a good memory is so useful in the mission field. To help improve my memory, I am trying to memorize a scripture a day and I can already see improvements. And last of all, study the scriptures-- because if you study the scriptures you will be basically set! That’s all I have time for today! Love you and talk to you later! - Elder Myers

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