Sunday, November 20, 2011

Missionary Project Update:

Hey Mom and Dad!
Well, I must say, our big missionary “miracle” project did not go exactly as planned, but I do believe it went exactly as the Lord planned. We saw too many miracles for this not to have gone as God intended. I thought I knew what real faith was before my mission. I was wrong. Within the past few weeks, I have learned more about faith and have had to exercise my faith more than I probably ever have had to in my entire life. In the scriptures we learn that after the Lord called Enoch to preach repentance to the people, Enoch ask the Lord, “Why is it that I have found favor in Thy sight, and am but a lad, and all the people hate me; for I am slow of speech; wherefore am I Thy servant?” Like Enoch, I can hardly talk (the language) and some of the people here
don't even like me! A few times I have wondered to myself-- how can I possibly do all this?¨ So, this is what happened last week with our Missionary Project (which was to invite as many people as we could possibly invite to the main plaza of Malargue, to hear 3 missionaries, including myself, to teach about the Restoration of the Lord’s Gospel) We ended up getting publicity through the main radio station in the District of Malargue (not just the city) and from another local radio station (which I thought was kind of humorous because they were playing Alan Jackson before our commercial.) We got Elder Stufflebeam to announce our activity in his radio voice. It only cost us around 40 pesos total (equal to about $10 US dollars.) AND we got a TV commercial, which was completely free!. I have written down all the miracles that happened day by day. Sadly, we encountered some problems on the day of the activity. As huge dark clouds were lurking over the mountains, we moved 120 chairs, a chalkboard, and a podium in the back of the Branch Presidents truck (yes, they somehow all fit into his pick-up truck. I have a picture to prove it.) Then it started to rain pretty hard At first I must admit I was a little down and couldn’t help asking ¨Why is this happening?¨ --but then I began to remember what had already happened to make this come to pass. So we, (the elders and the Branch President) said a prayer. After the prayer we were off without any complaints and the rain eventually stopped. We drove to the plaza and when we got there, we set up all the chairs, etc. Right before our activity, we encountered another problem. Because of the storm that was suppose to happen, the city turned off the power in the plaza. With no power, the sound guy that came (for free) did not have anything to power the giant speakers he brought. We had about 20-30 people in attendance (which was probably the largest activity the Church has ever had here) A few of the members attended the activity and the only members who brought their friends were the ones who were recently baptized. But even though we were without the power speakers and had a lot of empty chairs, we sang a lot and I believe our talks went very well. I think the Lord got his point across about how important it is for the members to be involved in bringing their friends to the missionary activities. The missionaries can do all they can, the branch president can do everything in his power, but without the help of the members, missionary work is always going to be slower than God intends it to be. I hope this activity showed the members how much they need to be involved because that is what I believe the end result was suppose to be for this activity. That being said, a lot of the members told us that the reason they did not attend the activity was because they thought it was going to rain. We assume many others thought the same thing. We are going to have two more of these activities, and hopefully with the help of the members, it will be even a greater success. I love you both and I thank you for everything you have prepared me for. I needed every bit of it, especially now.
Love you both so much,
Your Son Elder Myers

PS- I don´t need vitamins. I've inherited quite a few from Elder Davenport and from my MTC companion, Elder Swarts. Thanks anyway! Also, I just bought some hair clippers, so I should be getting my first missionary haircut in Argentina today (I know, my hair is a little too long but I am trying to repent of that... for good.)

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