Tuesday, November 1, 2011


(Elder Aidukaitis of the Seventy)

Hola! Como le va? Bien? Bueno. Well, it has been another crazy week here. First of all- my companion had to go to Mendoza for a district meeting. He will be gone for 2 days. While he is gone, I will join the other two missionaries (Elder Luke from Colorado and Elder Stufflebeam—And yes, that is how you spell his name) Just so you know mom, Elder Stufflebeam has a great narrator voice-with no accent! I’m not kidding! He could be on the radio. Other elders always try to get him to tell stories because they just want to listen to his voice. So, I think I found your narrator for Christmas on Both Hemispheres! (Dad, There’s not much to say about our apartment except that we live on the second story of a Shoe Store) We took a trip to San Rafael for a Zone Conference and we got to hear from Elder Aidukaitis of the Seventy. He taught us how we should plan. He flat-out said (in Spanish of course) that none of us knew how to plan. He challenged us to take 6-7 hours this week when we do our weekly planning. He said that if we would do that, we would learn how to plan.. Our jaws basically dropped. He, the mission president, and the mission presidents wife, gave us a ton of great advice and I already feel like a better missionary. Lastly and the best news of all was that we had a family of three get baptized this week! I didn't do any baptizing, but I gave the baptismal talk and surprisingly enough I don't think it was that bad! Also, we (the missionaries) participated in a special musical number before the baptisms. During the baptismal service we could feel the families happiness. Afterwards, the father went up to my companion and said with tears in his eyes, "I feel like all my guilt is just gone". They are an awesome family. I could literally see the changes in their lives as I got to help teach them. They are like new people. To think, the wife didn't even believe in God before the missionaries found their family, and now she might be one of the strongest converts in the whole mission. I'm more excited than I ever have been. This is what missionary work is all about, talking with people and trying your best to make them as happy as they can be.

I love it here! - An excited Elder Myers
PS- Random fact about the Argentine culture: People are amazing on bikes. Everyone rides bikes and they hardly ever use their hands (even when turning). If they do use their hands, it is usually because they are holding a big box or something

Travis' Response Note to Mom’s letter:
Hahaha! I love you mom! By the way, I probably weigh less than I did in high school. We walk ALL day. but I'm trying to keep some muscle and work-out in the mornings with those bands I got before I left. Most of the time I just feel real stiff and just stretch --but its all good. I would love to be a part of your Spanish/English lessons. I’m glad to hear about the choir. "What would the Lord want you to do?" (Note from Rachel: When Travis was home, I encouraged him to be in the Ward Choir. He really did not want to be in the choir and when he hesitated I ask him, “Travis, what would the Lord want you to do?” Reluctantly, he would attend the Choir practices.) I love you tons Mom!

Travis' Response Note to Dad’s letter.
I would LOVE to go to any fish restaurant right now. The only seafood I've had here is squid and tuna and that was only because my companion couldn't believe he could find squid and I was craving some tuna. The squid sandwich was disgusting. Most of the time, we usually just have noodles and meat. The meat has actually been going up in price here so we don't get as much meat as I first thought we would. We are fed pretty well though. Love you dad! Your son Elder Travis Myers

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