Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The City mall...

Christmas Post-Card from Travis, Received February 13, 2012

Padres! (Parents)

…I was just telling my companion the other day (in Spanish) how weird it was to finally be on a mission. It seems like my whole life revolved around the fact that I would some day be a missionary ---Well, here I am, trying to teach the gospel to a people I can hardly understand. All my life I can say that I was raised by “goodly parents” who showed me the way I should go. Anything of me that is good I owe to you two. “Yall” are the best parents and best friends I could ever ask for. I thank you and I love you with all of my heart forever.

Love, your son,

Elder Travis Dillon Myers

P.S. Merry Christmas

February 13, 2012 E-Mail Received from Travis


*San Jose is going to be great. We are baptizing a girl this Sunday after church, and we are working with this one guy who wants to know if the church is true but is scared of what his friends and family will think if he joins. We FINALLY committed him to church for next Sunday (which is perfect because we have a baptism that week). There are also a couple of other people we have met (through inactive members) that we hope to teach...

*I have been on exchanges twice with Elder Vasquez (the one from Mexico who doesn't speak any English) and we actually had some productive days. Good news is that since I have been here in San Jose, I think I have learned a lot more Spanish.

*My companion Elder Vega (from Peru) is a super hard worker and I think we are going to see great success in this area. He is about 5´4"or 5´5"-- so sometimes I kinda look like his body guard.

*That's about all from me this week. I will be sending ya’ll some recent photos. Love ya’ and thanks for the News!
Your Son, Elder Myers

*P.S. In Malargue I lost a lot of weight but I think I have gained some of my weight back. I started an exercise plan here and have been exercising in the mornings.

February 13, 2012 E-Mail received from Travis

Hey Mom!

*Guess what? Out of the 20 lessons we were challenged to teach, we taught 24 lessons to less-active and recent convert families! And then, about 8 people from those families, went to church yesterday! We still have more work to do but the Lord commanded and He provided a way for us to accomplish the things He ask us to do. How cool is that?

*Today we (along with some other missionaries) went to the city mall (It’s called "shopping" here) for P-Day. We were looking for some cheap soccer jerseys.. I have to say, that the mall was REALLY nice. I would have to compare it with some of the nicest malls in the states. We even ate in a two story SUBWAY. Oh it was wonderful! Good times!. Some places here are actually very modern.

*Sorry I can’t write that much this week. I want to spend most of my letter time sending ya’ll some photos. I love you!
Your son Elder Myers.

*PS I will not be able to send photos this week. Computer problems---I’ll try next week

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