Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reminder of home...

Hey Yall!
*…I am out of Malargue and now in San Jose. San Jose is in the suburbs of Mendoza.. We left Malargue at 3AM in a van because the buses would not get us to San Jose early enough. I had NO space to move in the van but it was alright because a bus ride would have probably been the most uncomfortable 5 hour ride of my life.

*After we arrived safely, I met my new companion. His name is Elder Vega and he is from Lima. Peru. The first thing he said to me was "What;s up bro?" He speaks perfect English. He spent 2 years at BYU studying business. In our apartment, there is Me, Elder Vega, Elder Vasquez from Mexico (who doesn’t know any English), and Elder Sanchez from Chile (who speaks English almost without an accent and he has never even been to the states.) It is pretty fun with these elders.

* The San Jose area is really small and compact. It takes us about 10 minutes max to walk to the next appointment compared to Malargue’s 1 hour max. The work is good and we are going to work as hard as possible to meet the mission goals, which is to be received by 20 people into their homes and to contact 20 people every week. Included in the mission goals, we are also challenged to visit 20 recent converts or less active members every week starting next week. We are going to have to start running from house to house to meet that goal. Ever since I got here, the mission goals have been constantly changing and getting tougher and tougher. But it’s possible—1 Nephi 3:7 7 … I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

* While I was looking around in the church last Sunday, I saw a print of the Houston Texas Temple on one of the family history posters. I took that as my SIGN that this is the place where I am suppose to be right now and I am pretty excited about working here.

*I got to see Elder Stufflebeam again. We are now in the same room writing our e-mails. Other than that, some random facts about my area,

1. The ditches smell REALLY bad

2. The Ward is really strong with about 80 people showing up every Sunday,

3. The weather is pretty hot but there are a ton of trees. San Jose kinda reminds me of

Texas, (but just a little colder). It’s nice.

4. We use the bus a lot to get around and there are a TON of buses.

5. We have an air conditioner in our apartment which is awesome!

*That’s about it for now. I’ll be sending pictures next week. The computers are really nice here and they take memory cards. I love it here and I love all of you!

Elder Myers
PS Today we got a couple of missionaries together to celebrate Elder Vegas’ birthday. We had a Bar-B-Q (or as they say it here--asado). It was incredible.

PPS Everybody loves seeing pictures of my family, so if you can send some for me to print out that would be great! Once again-- love you! Your son Elder Myers

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