Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1st Transfer - Malargue to San Jose

Hey Mom!
…This week was pretty great although there is some sad news. The Zone leaders from the offices came down for about 3 days and we did exchanges. I’m beginning to realize how important it is to have 4 missionaries in Malargue. I will just say we worked, walked, sang, and saw miracles. I felt somewhat like a pioneer. Anyway, the Lord blessed us BIG TIME. Thirteen less-active members came back to church last Sunday, some of which we have been working with since I got here. We had a great attendance at church, even though two of the most active families (that bring quite a few people) were in different cities.
We also are finding (through the less-actives and by just looking for them) many people who are ready to be baptized. The other day (when I was with one of the zone leaders), we were looking for a less-active member who had just started coming back to church. In our search for this less-active, we knocked on the wrong door. The mother who opened the door, invited us in and we were able to teach her a lesson. As we taught this mother, she started to cry. She told us that she wanted to learn more so she could help her family. She even said the closing prayer. Is that prepared or what? I can’t even imagine what the attendance will be like at church this coming Sunday! Sad thing is, I won’t get to see it. I leave Malargue Wednesday for San Jose, Mendoza. It’s sad that I have to go, but I can leave saying the branch is stronger and God gave me a confirmation that I did my part. One of the good things about San Jose is that there is an alfajor factory (cookie factory) in the area. I think before I go back home. I am just going to buy a couple boxes of alfajors so you can all try some. I don’t think any one of you would like to try mate, the famous Argentina drink (pronounced Mah-Tay). I haven’t tried it but it smells A LOT like the hay we feed the cows. Anyway, I guess that’s all the news I have right now. I am going to have another Latin companion in San Jose and Elder Maughn (the other district leader I served with in the MTC) is one of the elders taking my place in Malargue. I Love you!
Your Son Elder Myers

Hey Dad!
…I went on exchanges with one of the zone leaders that sounds just like Jacob. I felt like I was serving with my brother. That was pretty cool. I’m learning a lot every day. I have been studying directly from Preach My Gospel. I kind of want to master that book. It is so much easier to study Preach My Gospel-- once you are a missionary. Well, that’s about it. I love you and it’s great to hear from you! Love, your son, Elder Travis Myers

PS- Thanks for trying to send those magazines to the Torres family. They are like my family here.

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