Wednesday, January 25, 2012

40 Day Fast (English) is OVER!

Letter received: January 23, 2012

Hey Dad!
… This week was pretty good. We knocked on a few doors and found some really prepared people to teach. One lady basically said, “I don't understand why there are so many churches when there is only one God!” We gave her a short first lesson, and a Bible, (somehow, she already had a Book of Mormon ) She said she would read and pray about the things we taught. Sadly though, (because I might get a transfer to another area), I might not see what happens to this lady. Thursday we had a Zone Conference and President Avila basically told me I am probably going to be leaving Malargue soon. Just so you know – about every 6 weeks there is always a possibility of being re-assigned to another area. After the 1st six weeks in an area, you are basically guaranteed to stay in that same area for another 6 weeks. After the 2nd six weeks in an area, you might be transferred to another area (but it is more likely that you will stay) After the 3rd six weeks in an area, your time is up in that area, unless of course you are Elder Stufflebeam who had 5 six week periods in Malargue. Now for some good news. I FINISHED MY 40 DAY FAST OF ENGLISH! I believe now I can say that I speak Spanish. Understanding some people is a different story, but when I have something I need to say, I can. When I can understand people, I have no problem talking. This next transfer I am going to focus on understanding-- such as.learning as many vocabulary words as possible and being able to use them,-- reading the scriptures in Spanish and -- looking up words I don't understand. That's basically what is going on here. Love you!
Your son, Elder Myers

Hey Mom!
I would just like to say-I love you a lot. You will be glad to know that I am still studying like crazy and learning a ton everyday. Right now I am taking the Attributes of Christ from the PMG Section and looking up every scripture, analyzing what the overall message is, and writing down my thoughts and how to apply it. I love it! Patience has basically been my topic for the last few days. I love the story about Alma and his people (when they were in bondage) and how they were delivered . Even though they were not allowed to pray publically, they prayed in their hearts and soon through their faith and patience, their burdens were made light. Not only were their burdens made light, but they continued to pray and later they were set free. Sometimes in this life I believe we pray for things and when we receive relief, we stop praying. If we extend our vision and continue on praying with patience, trusting in God to bless us after our time of trial, we will be set free from our burdens, not just relieved. I have written a ton more about this subject in my study journal and I can’t wait to share all of this with you and Dad. Another great thing about all this studying is that by the end of my mission, I will basically have a talk ready for just about every subject. More and more people are starting to come to church, a few of which are people we have been visiting. I love how the work in progressing in Malargue and I think by the time of the next transfer, the Lord’s work will progress even further, with or without me. I love you Mom and it’s great to hear from you every week. I think that is why I am not really homesick-- I get to talk to you every week.
I love you Mom!
Your son, Elder Myers

PS I just bought a flash drive so I can save my pictures and do some church work . I think I will be buying some cheap shoes today. One dollar is about 4 pesos here and the shoes I think I´ll be buying are about 40 pesos. Ten dollar shoes! Woohoo!

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