Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Boiled Goat Head??

Letter from: December 5, 2011
Hey Dad!

I’m doing great! The missionary work is always improving here and I’m just glad to be apart of it. We didn’t have the baptism last week but this week we will have two and we are hoping for this one lady, who already knows the church is true, to commit to be baptized that day as well. We are finding a lot more people to teach and I believe that is happening because we are trying to find more ways to be obedient (Kind of like, when we read something from PREACH MY GOSPEL that we forgot or didn’t understand completely, we try to apply it as soon as we can.) I’m starting to really love it here….

Love you Dad!
You Son, Elder Myers

PS. The only things I might really need down here is my personal shopping card---which does not work for some reason. I kind of need to buy shoes. Not church shoes but Preparation Day shoes. I don’t know what happened, but the shoes I brought are way too small and they kind of hurt my feet. But I don’t really wear them that much so I can wait if I have to…I Love You Dad!

Hey Mama!
It’s alright if you write long letters. I know how you are! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m always excited to hear about what you are doing and how you are doing… As for Christmas, I think you will be calling me. I don’t have the instructions yet but when I get them, I will be sure to give you all those details. I’m really excited to talk to you both again! Well, I love you mom and I hope you just keep doing what you are doing. I Love you! Your Son,
Elder Myers

(Here’s a Letter for everyone)
Hey Everyone!
Things are going great here! I keep forgetting to mention the thing most people are wondering. How tall am I compared to everyone else? Well, I’ll put it this way…I have to duck to get into every house here. Even at the church I have to duck to get into the doorways. I’m exactly as tall as the door frame. Many of the kids here know me as Giraffe. Not everyone is super short, but there’s not that many people over 6 foot tall. Also, I have eaten the weirdest thing I will probably ever eat in my life. We ate with some members that must really like us. They gave us an Argentine Delicacy---Boiled Baby Goat Head. I am not joking! What did I eat of this goat head do you ask? Well we started with the tongue and afterwards they cracked the skull open and they used the brain as some kind of meat spread on bread. Amazingly, it wasn’t bad. Would I ever make it myself? Probably not. Well, we had another project. It went very well, but once again, the members did not bring anyone. Next activity we are going to teach the members how to be missionaries. The mission has taught me that really, you don’t need a name tag to be a missionary. You just have to be yourself. That is what we will be trying to teach the members here in 2 weeks. Pray it goes well! To Be Continued…Elder MyersPhotobucket

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