Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pig Eye????

Letter from: January 2, 2012

Hey Dad!
Sounds great over there. I’m excited to hear about Michael Renfroe putting his Mission Papers in! Woo-hoo! Elder Caro and I have a plan to work with the less-active. We have a list of all the less-active members in the ward, (all 26 pages) We plan on taking this list and visiting all the less-active. During this process we will also find out who has moved, died, etc. Apparently there are people on the list who have been dead for 15 years. So, we will start with this list and help clear-up the church records. The House of the Lord is a House of order and the records here are far from being organized.
I love you Dad! Elder Travis Myers

Wow! Thanks for all the news mom! I don’t have a ton of time to write today because I had a lot to read this week. But there are a few things I would like to say very quickly.

1. I love studying! It’s one of my favorite things now because of all the cool things I am learning.
2. I started memorizing a scripture every day again. It’s my goal for this year.
3. I got to see almost all my MTC District on Wednesday Dec 28th. I felt like Alma the younger with the sons of Mosiah. My joy was full. Elder Tingey (his MTC companion--- Rachel) already has some crazy stories. He is in the hottest area in the mission right now. He says the evening showers are hot because during the day, the sun heats up the water tanks (which are above the houses) and their freezer hardly works. I am so glad I am in Malargue right now, (coolest part of the mission) Sadly I had to take a break from my English Fast for part of a day, but I am back on it.
4. I believe the Fast is starting to work. I have received several compliments in the past few days on how much better my Spanish is. I still have a LONG way to go but at least I know I am progressing a little. I am halfway there! 20 more days before my fast is complete!

Well, I love you! Your son, Elder Myers

Letter from: JANUARY 9, 2012
…I found out something interesting about Malargue from my companion. This is the one area in the mission that no one wants to go to. I was kind of shocked when I heard that… The Good News now in Malargue is that I believe it is time to start re-activating the members who have gone astray from the gospel. Right now we have great families who are moving into the ward (one I believe might be a seventy one day—AND, he speaks English-thank goodness) I believe this man will help immensely with the work we have to do here…I also believe Satan has tried hard to stop the work of the Lord. I am not sure if I will be here when everything is back to normal in the ward, but I am just glad I get to be part of the process. Oh, and Daniel was right. We have two new people here that will for sure be baptized soon because we worked with the less-actives. Life is for the most part good.

Love ya’ll! Elder Myers

Thanks Mom. Your letters always make me happy. Thanks to the prayers that have been said in our behalf, because we are finding some people who are prepared to receive the gospel. One such person came to church Sunday with some friends and basically wants to be baptized. I believe we are doing the right thing by working with the list of the less-active members…We are also finding out that a ton of people who are on the less-active list have either moved or died or have no interest for some reason or another. But on the other hand, we have found out that many of the less-actives are ready to come back to church, because all they can remember is how happy they were when they went to church. I told my companion, that in the Bible we learn the parable of the good Shepherd who left the 99 sheep to look for the one. Here in Malargue we only have to leave about 5 of the sheep to look for the 95 lost sheep! What a search! Soon I believe we will see the fruits of our labors. I don’t have much to say other than that, but I am so glad I am here and so glad I can help the Lord build up His kingdom in this part of (quite literally) His vineyard.
With a ton of love, Your son, Elder Myers

PS. Monday I ate (drum roll…..) pig eye. I REALLY did not want to, but then again, there are not many people who can say they have eaten Bar B-Q pig eye on their mission, now can they?

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