Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BAPTISM in San Jose!

Hey Mom and Dad!

*I have to combine my letter to ya’ll today because I had some trouble sending the pictures. I´m still not exactly sure what pictures got sent because the computer was giving me some problems.

*We had a great week! There were 5 investigators that came to church yesterday, and we also had an awesome baptism. Because of the baptism for this one girl, about 5 or 6 more less active people came back to church and one of them gave a testimony that brought everyone to tears.

*We have been trying really hard to keep up with the mission expectations and well, we have been seeing miracles. One day a lady basically came up to us and ask, ¨Do you two baptize? My two kids and I need to get baptized. What do I have to do?” My jaw dropped! I have always heard stories about some people who are prepared and ready to receive the gospel, but wow! That was more than I could have asked for!!!. Also we went with one of the young men in the ward (named Diego) to visit one of his friends. We were only able to talk to him for about 5 minutes but to our surprise, Diego’s friend came to church on Sunday. He made new friends with all the members in the ward and is excited to come back next Sunday. I am loving it in San José!!!!

*I don”t have a lot more time to write but I want you all to know that I love you and that all is well. Talk to ya later!
Elder Myers

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