Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Head the promptings of the Spirit...

(Pictures sent by Travis from Argentina!)
February 27, 2012 Letter received from Travis

Hey Mom and Dad!

…As we were walking to the bus stop last Sunday, we got the impression to start walking a little faster. After a few seconds of walking faster, I felt like I should probably start running to the bus stop. Well, I started running kinda half-speed and as soon as we got to the end of the street, the bus passed in front of us at full speed. If I would have run a little faster, for sure, we would have caught the bus. As a consequence, we had to wait an extra 10 minutes for the next “collectivo” Although we made it to church right on time, it was a little learning experience for Elder Vega and myself.. Sometimes we (the missionaries) get feelings from the Spirit to do things and if we don’t act with all our hearts, we “miss the bus”, if you know what I mean. Thankfully this experience had no real consequences, but others might, so I learned it is always important to be in tune and act. Anyway, I believe I might be running to the bus stop more often. I love ya’ll!

Love,Your Son,

Elder Myers

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