Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sick in Argentina

Hey Yall!
This was an interesting week. Yesterday I was pretty sick. We had a Sunday lunch at the bishop’s house and after we ate lunch, I started feeling bad as we were walking to a less active members home. (Not like the Spirit was prompting me not to go, but more of a bad feeling in my stomach.) Well, we ended up going back to our apartment. Soon after we got back to the apartment I threw-up everything I had just eaten and then some. 12 times!! It was a bad night. At least today is a P-Day and I’ll get some time to recuperate.

Also this week we were "attacked" in a sense by a drunk man. We were on our way back to the apartment and some man yelled out "MORMONS!!!" A man came stumbling out towards us and said he became a Mormon 20 years ago. I did not feel like we were in any danger so we stayed and talked to him. As we got a closer look, we noticed his shirt and hair were soaked in beer. At this time he started grabbing our wrists, kissing our hands, and asking us to pray for him. We were kind of afraid to leave at that time because we had no idea what he was going to do. I ended up saying a prayer so we could leave. As we were on or knees, people were watching us from their houses. After I finished praying, apparently it was his turn to pray. The man began singing, crying, trying to speak English, and who knows what else he was trying to speak.. Finally, he told me that I needed to put my head on the ground and to push my head in the dirt while I prayed. That is when I decided it was time to leave. We jumped up, pulled our hands away from him, and started walking away as fast as we could. Elder Smith and I could not believe that happened to us!! It was an absolute journal experience. Only in the mission!!!!

On a more spiritual note, this Sunday we were kind of upset because none of our investigators could make it to church (because they were out of town or something.) However, just before the sacrament, three kids that we had met that week on the street showed up. Our older investigators couldn't make it to church, but 3 new ones did!!! Sometimes you don't always get what you want but the Lord always provides.

Mom and Dad, thanks for sharing your weekly experiences with me. And mom, I just about burst out laughing when I heard about your "Emma" experience.(R Myers Journal 3-26-12 … I went to Vidor last weekend. I got to visit with the Harris', Doughty's and Mama and Daddy. Patrice needed some help cleaning her house, so I helped her for a few hours getting the house ready for company. As I was cleaning,3 year old Emma came from another room, holding up a "used" diaper and said, with the diaper dangling high above her head, "Grandma, this is disgusting." I told her to throw it away as quick as she could and she did. When we went to her room, she told me, "Grandma, this room is so messy!" She helped me clean and I must admit, she did a pretty good job picking up toys, shoes, etc. She is sooooo cute and soooooo smart and friendly…)

I´m glad the family is about the same as always. EVERYTHING is still a production, and that's just how it should be. I have been telling a lot of stories about home lately. Everybody wants to meet the mom and dad of Elder Myers I love you two. I sent a post card a while back and I am not sure if you have received it or not. I hope so. I love you all

Your son,
Elder Myers

PS- Have you sent my address to the institute? I think Brother Chidister wanted my address before I left and I don't think I gave it to him. I probably should have given my address to more people. I don´t get too many letters outside the family. Oh well. Love ya’ll and I hope you have a great week! Elder Myers

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