Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Loving the Work of the Lord

(Pictures taken by Elder Myers...he calls these "The Second Coming". They are SO beautiful!)
March 5, 2012

Hey Mom and Dad!
…This week a couple of interesting things happened. First off, Monday, one of our investigators apparently had a dream about me. He dreamed I was in the mountains of Bolivia, all dressed in white. I am not really sure what that was suppose to mean but we are going to continue working with that man. Also I went on exchanges with Elder Sanchez from Santiago, Chili, who was kind of having a bad week. Well, to put it simply, we went into this one house and taught four people about the restoration of the gospel. We asked them that IF they received an answer from the Lord that the things they were learning from us were true, would they be baptized by someone who has that restored authority. All of them said yes! . I think that boosted the confidence of both of us. It was one of the most spirit filled lessons I have ever experienced. One man that was in the corner of the room moved his seat right next to us just so he could hear better and was saying things like "Why haven’t I heard this before?” Everybody was on the edge of their seats, including Elder Sanchez and myself. It is experiences like this that testify to me that I am doing the Obra del Señor (work of the Lord). Every day I love the mission more and more. We have transfers next week so this might be my last full week with Elder Vega. I hope not, because we have been seeing some true miracles here. We´ll see. I Love YALL!
Elder Travis Myers

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