Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Faith is growing EVERY DAY!

Hey Mom and Dad!
I hope you don't mind, but I will probably combine my letter this week. I have a little something to share. I think the mission is getting better and better. We had a Zone Conference this weekend and I feel like Elder Smith and I are going to baptize just about everybody now! Just saying… My companion, Elder Smith, and our district leader have been really sick here lately and so I have been working with Elder Sanchez from Chile. One morning we participated in a service project. We basically cleaned dirt for a couple hours. (We took all the trash, bricks and rocks out of the dirt). That was pretty fun. After the service project we took a bus and some man with a horrible hernia in his stomach started talking/yelling at us and everyone on the bus could hear him. After he settled down, some guy in an orange shirt asked us "Hey! are you missionaries?"... IN ENGLISH!!! I was shocked! We started talking to him and our conversation went something like this:

Us: Yeah we’re missionaries! Where did you learn English?!?!

Him: Oh, I lived in the states for 12 years. My parents just wanted to move back to be with family.

Us: Sweet! What part of the states are you from?

Him: Utah!

Us: (Jaws dropped) What part of Utah?

Him: Orem. All my friends are Mormon.

Us: (Even more shocked) And you are not a member?

Him No.

Us (In our minds)- Not yet!

We ask him for his address right when we were about to get off the bus. He only had time to give us two street names before we had to get off. Even though we did not have his full address, we were so pumped! Later on that day we were on our way home and for some reason we walked a little further away from where we normally go for the bus stop. As we were walking, a bus passed from the opposite direction and as I looked, I saw someone in an orange shirt, waving at us. It was the same guy! Not only that, but he got off the bus a block from where we would have looked for his house. After jotting down the correct street name, we went back to the bus stop. In our eyes, that was every bit of a miracle. If that day did not go exactly as it did, we would have never found that guy again. The mission is starting to be full of experiences like that and I am so glad I am here. I feel like my faith is growing every day. Miracles have not stopped. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and He will continue to be a God of miracles forever. Well. I guess that's the story of the week. I love you all and I hope YALL are doing great as always.
Love you!
Elder Travis Dillon Myers

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