Monday, June 25, 2012

June 18, 2012

Hey Dad!
Sounds like you had an awesome week living the country dream! That's awesome that Mark Burkey got his mission papers in!!
(Tom wrote Travis and told him that he did not think they would be having the traditional Father and Son wrestling matches any more since Travis is getting so strong with his exercise missionary program- This was Travis’ response: RMyers)
We are definitely going to have a wrestling match when I get back. I still think you could take me. I don't have your moves! hahaha.(“We pray for you several times a day…” Part of Tom’s letter to Travis this week.)
Thanks for the prayers. I think I can feel them. Every time we have a bad week, I can feel everyone praying to help me out. This week was no exception. We presented quite a few more lessons than previous weeks. In fact, we went from having 2 progressing investigators last week to 9 this week. It is probably the most investigators this area has ever had! We are going to try to set a ton of baptismal dates this week. COME ON AGENCY!! Everything is going good here. I think I finally figured out how I can progress as the Lord wants me to. It took me awhile to figure that out. The answer was pretty simple and it is found in Preach My Gospel. I learned that I needed to FIRST, have a goal, SECOND, make plans to complete the goal in a reasonable time period, and THIRD, to DO IT. Like Grandpa’s TOTAL MAN, it works with everything-----spiritual, physical, mental, etc Well, I love you and I always love to hear that everything is going great back home.

Love you!
Elder Travis Dillon Myers
PS- I think I might be ordering another name tag that says ELDER MAIRS. No one can say Myers right and that's how it would be spelt here. Love ya!

Hey Mom!
I don't have a ton of time right now but I love you alot. I finished reading JESUS THE CHRIST and I think I will probably finish reading The Pearl of Great Price this week. I have never read The Pearl of Great Price from cover to cover and so I decided, why not now?. I wanted to read Jesus the Christ, The Pearl of Great Price, The New Testament and The Doctrine and Covenants before I hit my mission year mark. I think I will be able to make it! I also want to finish reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. I have a lot of goals now and with Gods help, He is making them possible..
Mom, I am looking forward to eating some of your tacos again. We tried to make some the other day but... they were not the same. Anyway, I love you so much and hope you never forget it!!!

Love, your son,
Elder Myers

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