Monday, June 25, 2012

Received June 11, 2012

Sorry my letter was so short last week. I’ll try to fill you in a little more this week. As far as personal progress goes, I am almost finished with JESUS THE CHRIST. I have about 70 pages left and seeing as we have a lot of free time this P-Day, I might even finish it today or tomorrow. We don't get a lot of lunches from the members so we cook a lot and I just use the extra time I have for reading (during the siesta).
By the way, I might need some recipes. I'm not exactly sure what to ask for but if you think of anything, I will be so grateful if you can share some recipes with me!!!
I just started the third cycle of my morning workouts.. I keep you updated on my progress so you can tell Grandpa... I am now doing 205 push ups every morning. It KILLS but it seems to be working. It’s kind of funny, because when I was in the MTC, I could only do about 7 push-ups before I had to stop. I have been trying to memorize a scripture everyday for the past 3 weeks now. I told myself that if I don't finish a year of memorizing, I won’t be "saved". I'm pretty sure that is false doctrine but it keeps me memorizing. Anyway, enough about that. This week was both good and bad. NO ONE WAS HOME. We went by our investigators houses about 30 times each this week and they always gave us a "better" time to come back. For some reason everyone tells us they are bathing or cleaning the dishes... at all hours of the day. I know we are told to be clean, but POR FAVOR --no one needs to be THAT clean. As far as lessons go, it was the least amount of lessons I have had in my whole mission. I kinda got down a few times about that but on the bright side, it made me think a bit more about how to get people to listen to us. This week should be better. As far as FOOD goes, this was the best week of my mission. As you know the Ostler Family came by to visit some families and the church. They left us Girl Scout cookies, Reeses, Ritz crackers, ingredients for Smores and ROOT BEER!!! Then we had a Stake Conference and the Mission President brought mail and what did I receive?--- A marvelous package from Laurie filled with all kinds of American Goodness!!!! Now I know one reason why I was sent to Argentina. I ate nearly all of it within two days. So good!!!! Well I don't know what else to say now. We had a good & bad week but those kind of weeks happen so.--- I just have to figure out how to make future weeks better. I love you a lot and I hope you have a great week. Keep working hard and keep progressing! I love hearing how ya’ll are doing and just as you said,” It’s a shot in the arm to hear from you every week.”

Love ya!
Elder Travis Myers

Hey Dad!
It was so awesome to hear about you sharing the gospel with one of your co-workers.! Way to be an example of the believers Dad! You always are. I gave mom most of the scoop for this week but thought I’d answer your question about the exchanges we had with the Mission President. The first thing the Mission President did was to buy us Lunch and Ice Cream. He gave a pamphlet to the owners of the ice cream shop (Now we have reason to go back more often!). We also went to the Branch Presidents home and talked a bit. After that we split up. I went with Elder Moon(from the mission office) and we tried to find some people he had taught when he served in this area. The President took Elder Biggs and another Elder from the office and tried to teach some people in another area, but like always, no one was home.. Then they left. I thought they were going to do something crazy but it was actually pretty normal. Well, I guess that's about it here. I love ya and it’s great to hear the things you are doing. I promise I´ll send more pictures soon. We'll take some today.¡Te amo a vos! (I love you... Argentine style)
Elder Travis Myers

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