Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elder Jeffery R. Holland SPEAKS at the MTC

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, an Apostle of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints came and spoke to the missionaries at the MTC. Travis shared some of his notes with us.

"I love you and honor you. We love you more than I can say. (He did not have any notes) My mission has been everything to me.
My mission was shortly after the Ark landed! Somebody in here is going to have to take my place. If you are struggling, welcome to life. Almost all of the missionary work will be done in this dispensation. If you take all the missionaries in the world before this dispensation, hardly any lasted very long and ended in apostasy. This is the only time (dispensation) when there will be no apostasy. There are 340 missions in the church today, --adding a few more this summer. You are the chosen generation to serve. All the missionary work that will truly matter will happen in this dispensation. These early missionaries knew they would not succeed, but they knew we would. I believe they kept going because they knew of us. Ours is the day that every prophet, priest, and king dreamed of “Joseph Smith’. We are the most prayed for people on the face of the earth along with
the president of the Church. If there were a symbol of the Church, it would be a picture of two missionaries. You do not have the right to compromise that—everybody loves the missionaries. You have a moral & solemn obligation to uphold this. You are not entitled to forget this. People have given their lives for this work, the most recent-4 hours ago (a missionary was killed in an automobile accident last week-RM). My mission meant everything to me. I’ve been home for 49 years next week, but who is counting? We are going to be new people after this. Don’t turn your back on your nieces and nephews that think you are perfect. We’re not perfect, but people have the right to think you are."
(Missisonary submitted questions)

That He told the truth. Every word, and you can trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and "lean not to thine own understanding.." I command you to repent. You are going out to help people not to suffer. If you need to repent, do it TONIGHT!!! Everybody need to repent. We all need to be better than we are.

By diving into the scriptures. (Personal favorites of Elder Holland) 20 verses we get the lst lesson of 1 Nephi vs. 12 1 Nephi 1 “as he read this book he was filled with the Spirit …The Book of Mormon itself is a vehicle of the Spirit. D&C 18:34-36 Best scripture on scripture. One verse of scripture which the hinge of eternity would revolve (James 1:5). D&C 76-wo greatest revelations of all time. Truly learn how to pray. Wrestle, hunger, knelt, cried, mighty prayer=vigorously prayed
Try harder to burst into the Kingdom. DO NOT LOSE THE SPIRIT. It is not a spiritual world out there, It is a fallen world.

Go on a mission. Marry as soon as possible after your mission (when you are ready). Get as much education as you can get. People pay you for your brain. I like people who can do things…Ralph Waldo Emerson

Very close. For 24 months you get to be apostolic with a lower case “a”. We are witnesses and have a message for people. We are going to try to find ways to save the children of God. Goal for tonight, You are going to love your apostolic mission.

Your heart. The Savior said, “Their hearts are far from me..” You are going to go out there and TALK, TALK, TALK, TALK. Your only tool is words. Don’t say the words unless you feel them in your heart—And you have to say them. Give Him your heart.

I am very imperfect but the most perfect part about me is the love for my children. God really is perfect. He knows you. He gave the Perfect for the imperfect. Boy that’s a Father for ya. Abba—closest translation “Daddy/Pappa” God loves you.


"God Loves You..."

Hey Mom and Dad!
…There is a sister (Sister Juan) in our District that has this really interesting laugh. Usually you laugh by exhaling, right? Well, instead of doing that, she laughs while inhaling. On Monday we had to teach our other classmates a lesson and it was our turn to teach Sister Juan (‘Nina” was her Spanish name) She acted as an investigator. Right before our lesson, something happened that was apparently funny and the whole class started laughing. I for some reason decided to laugh very nerdy and loud. I then said, “Wow! That’s an obnoxious laugh!” Sister Juan went silent. I was horrified. Everybody kept joking around and she ended up saying, “The more comments from you elders, the harder this lesson is going to be.” I was thinking, “Wow, Elder Myers, you are the biggest jerk!” Well, we taught our lesson and every thing seemed fine. Afterwards in class, our teacher (Hermano Paz Soldan) was outside talking to another student (Elder Wheeler) so I took the opportunity to apologize. I said, “Hermana Juan, you weren’t offended by anything I said in the lesson, were you?” “…No, what are you talking about?” So in essence, she didn’t hear what I said and I had to explain why I thought she might be offended---not exactly what I had in mind to do. Oh well, “I ain’t-a –care-in.” (one of Travis’ favorite lines from an old Jimmy Stewart black and white movie RM)
So on a more spiritual note, I was feeling kind of down this week. I felt like the Spanish was not going very well. I even felt like my teacher was discouraged with the progress of how my lessons were going. The next day I just prayed and ask Heavenly Father to help me in the language and for my teacher to have faith in me. That very day we had a one- on-one teacher session. I ask him about the Plan of Salvation because I was having a hard time teaching it in Spanish and he explained it the best way possible. He went on to say, “Elder Myers, God loves you. He called you on a mission to Argentina because He knows you and needs your help. He trusts you and knows you can do it.” … He said a few more things... it was like God was talking to me through him. Since that experience, I know exactly what has to happen when I’m teaching my investigators. It was an awesome experience!...
Love you both so much,
Your son, Elder Myers


Well, I got called to be District Leader this week. Woohoo... I guess it´s cool but I don´t think I´ll ever feel comfortable interviewing the other elders in my district. We had to move to a different residence hall today too because there are a ton of buildings getting renovated and they decided to choose ours next. because there are three of us in a companionship they decided to give us the small room. When I mean small, I mean this place might have been a storage closet before they renovated it. oh well. I´m guessing we´ll have some real companionship bonding. as far as the language, I´d say it´s coming along fairly well. I´m far from fluent but at least I can understand what people are telling me and I can somewhat tell people what they need to here. I still have a hard time expressing myself, but at the same time it´s not nearly as much as a staring contest as it used to be. Other than that, nothing much here. Just trying my best to learn how to make others happy.
Elder Myers

PS' If you wanted to know the Elders y Hermanas in our district, here they areÑ
Elder Sheridan, Bateman, Miller, Me, Wheeler, Maughn, Rodgers, Tingey, Swarts
Hermana Haskel, John, Brietweiser, Eteaki
The ones in yellow already left for the dominican republic MTC.

See yah! (Nos vemos!)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

PICTURES from the MTC!!!

Madre Y Padre!
I have been doing so much better. The language is still kinda slow but I think I’m going to get it . I have been studying topics so I can teach my investigators better. I began studying about the Word of Wisdom (aka la plabera de sabadiria) The other day a pair of missionaries were ask about the Word of Wisdom and had no idea what was going on. I didn’t want that to happen to me, so I started (e) studying. First I read D&C 89 of course, and then kinda outlined how the chapter went, which verses covered the intro, tobacco, alcohol, blessings, and things you should eat. Then, when Elder Maughn, (District Leader) was reading Jesus the Christ he said, “Check this out!. Adam and Eve always had the Word of Wisdom!” So I looked in Genesis and noticed something I had not seen before. I learned they were only commanded to eat grains and other whole foods---NO MEAT.—the Word of Wisdom! I read it and read it again.

I then looked up Word of Wisdom in the Topical Guide and found a huge list of scriptures where the Lord commanded his servants not to drink wine. I was “flewgerbusted!” (family joke R Myers) I accidentally turned to cleanliness in the Bible Dictionary and there it was again in Lev. 10 I kept reading other scriptures about the Word of Wisdom and learned that a SIGN for those who kept the Word of Wisdom was that they did not cut their hair. I looked in the footnotes and found in Judges 12 and 1`3 where Samson’s mom was commanded to not cut Samson’s hair. Guess what the verse above it said? “Do not drink wine or strong drink” I was saying to myself, “No way!” Once again I was “flewgerbusted” I haven’t read the full story of Samson yet but I fully believe that the reason why Samson was so strong was because he kept the Word of Wisdom. I felt like Daniel for that whole hour of study.time. It was great! Hopefully I can have more study sessions like that. . I have a few other things that I’ve learned but I need to ask Daniel some questions before I can share some more of what I am learning. Also, every time I go to the temple I learn something new! One of my goals for my mission (on a personal level) is to KNOW the SCRIPTURES. I want to have a scripture in mind for almost any topic. It seems like some of the elders are already turning to me for scriptures and I want to always be able to tell them where they can find certain scriptures. Oh well, I guess that’s all I have to say. I love you both so much and I just want to thank you both for teaching me the gospel (el evangelio) and the scriptures, (las escripturas). Of course I don’t know it all but I believe by the time I leave the MTC I will know the scriptures better than I ever have and I’ll be able to help others around me. I just want to build the kingdom. I love you and love hearing from you..
Love, Elder Myers
PS. Elder Tingey and I are getting a new companion! I want to say the new elder’s name is Elder Swarts. This means we are going to be a trio! . His district is leaving Thursday. but because he broke his foot , he can’t leave with his district. If he doesn’t get well before we leave, he will be sent home, so keep him in your prayers.

Friday, September 2, 2011

August 30th from the MTC...FIRST HAIRCUT!

Hola! Como esta? Yo estoy muy feliz bueno. I got my first MTC hair-cut today! Now I really look like I’m in the “Lord’s Army!” It’s pretty short but I like it. I’m feeling more and more comfortable with the language. It takes me forever to say things (cosas) pero (but) I think I’m finally starting to get it(-----I think) Well, everything is good here! Nothing much different than last week. Nos vermos.
Elder Myers

#1 QUESTION from Mama

- I get to read DEAR ELDER LETTERS on the day they are sent. They print them out and give them to us as if they were letters. I can receive E-mails only on Tuesday and I can only write letters on Tuesday.

#2 QUESTION from Mama
In your last letter, you sent a little 3x5 card asking friends, relatives etc, to not send perishable food. I don’t want to break rules—so just let me know if sending Rice Krispy Treats is a NO NO…

Rice Krispy Treats are okay. Everyone loves them and they seem pretty perish-resistant to me! I don't think Jello would make it though. I thought to myself "What? no Jello?!"(family joke, r myers)

#3 QUESTION from Mama

I still don't know my mailing address. That’s probably something I should know by now..

#4 QUESTION from Mama
BEN WINSLETT IS WONDERING IF YOU COULD BE HIS HOST ON THE DAY HE ENTERS THE MTC. Ben will be entering the MTC September 14th… Tristen will be entering the MTC September 21st (Both boys are excited to see you)

I would love to be Ben and Tristans host! I don't know if I'll get too because we are pretty much called to that kind of thing randomly, but the rumor is going around that I might be the next district leader, so maybe I can get my foot in the door for that. I need to know what time they are suppose to arrive on those days so I can make sure I get them. That would be so awesome! Ben might even be in my zone if we’re lucky.

August 26th letter from MTC...

Hey Mom and Padre!
I can’t say anything amazing happened this week--- well, I take that back. One of the major things you learn about teaching from Preach My Gospel- is asking questions and getting to know people (so you can better fit the lesson to their life.) You both know, I have a problem with asking questions. (YOU DIDN’T ASK HER ABOUT TENNIS? Pssssss!---family joke R Myers) Last night,(Monday) we had a teaching opportunity where me, Elder Tingey, and Elder Swarts taught the Sisters in our district. Let me tell you right now that the Sister Missionaries don’t make it easy for anybody!!. One of them was a theatre major before she got here and she uses that talent in any way she can! We started our lesson (in English this time) and all of a sudden, I just started asking all kinds of questions. By the first few minutes, we knew exactly what they needed to hear because the Spirit helped us discern that.. Even though they were trying to stump us, the Spirit ended up testifying to them of our message. I felt like I was a companion to Alma and Amulek Afterwards, they told us we did a great job. That was the cool experience for the week. Now, I might as well bear my testimony. You can probably tell what it says. Yo se que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y Redentor, Yo se que Jose Smith fue un profeta de Dios y Tomas S Monson es nuestro profeta a hoy Yo se que el libro de Mormon is verdadero y La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es verdadero. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen!
Con mucho amor, Tu Hijo,
Elder Travis Dillon Myers

P.S. Mom, I don’t know if I mentioned this yet, but your letter about "Never getting too upset about things" could not have come at a better time. The day I got you letter was the hardest day so far for me and I needed it. Thanks.

August 19th Letter from MTC

Madre Y Padre!

I have been doing so much better. The language is still kinda slow but I think I’m going to get it . I have been studying topics so I can teach my investigators better. I began studying about the Word of Wisdom (aka la plabera de sabadiria) The other day a pair of missionaries were ask about the Word of Wisdom and had no idea what was going on. I didn’t want that to happen to me, so I started (e) studying. First I read D&C 89 of course, and then kinda outlined how the chapter went, which verses covered the intro, tobacco, alcohol, blessings, and things you should eat. Then, when Elder Maughn, (District Leader) was reading Jesus the Christ he said, “Check this out!. Adam and Eve always had the Word of Wisdom!” So I looked in Genesis and noticed something I had not seen before. I learned they were only commanded to eat grains and other whole foods---NO MEAT.—the Word of Wisdom! I read it and read it again. I then looked up Word of Wisdom in the Topical Guide and found a huge list of scriptures where the Lord commanded his servants not to drink wine. I was “flewgerbusted!” (family joke R Myers) I accidentally turned to cleanliness in the Bible Dictionary and there it was again in Lev. 10 I kept reading other scriptures about the Word of Wisdom and learned that a SIGN for those who kept the Word of Wisdom was that they did not cut their hair. I looked in the footnotes and found in Judges 12 and 1`3 where Samson’s mom was commanded to not cut Samson’s hair. Guess what the verse above it said? “Do not drink wine or strong drink” I was saying to myself, “No way!” Once again I was “flewgerbusted” I haven’t read the full story of Samson yet but I fully believe that the reason why Samson was so strong was because he kept the Word of Wisdom. I felt like Daniel for that whole hour of study.time. It was great! Hopefully I can have more study sessions like that. . I have a few other things that I’ve learned but I need to ask Daniel some questions before I can share some more of what I am learning. Also, every time I go to the temple I learn something new! One of my goals for my mission (on a personal level) is to KNOW the SCRIPTURES. I want to have a scripture in mind for almost any topic. It seems like some of the elders are already turning to me for scriptures and I want to always be able to tell them where they can find certain scriptures. Oh well, I guess that’s all I have to say. I love you both so much and I just want to thank you both for teaching me the gospel (el evangelio) and the scriptures, (las escripturas). Of course I don’t know it all but I believe by the time I leave the MTC I will know the scriptures better than I ever have and I’ll be able to help others around me. I just want to build the kingdom. I love you and love hearing from you..
Love, Elder Myers

PS. Elder Tingey and I are getting a new companion! I want to say the new elder’s name is Elder Swarts. This means we are going to be a trio! . His district is leaving Thursday. but because he broke his foot , he can’t leave with his district. If he doesn’t get well before we leave, he will be sent home, so keep him in your prayers.