Wednesday, November 7, 2012

July 16, 2012

Hey Dad!
You met someone from ¿Buenos Aries? That’s pretty cool. Yeah, I am finally starting to be able to tell the differences between accents here. There was a new Elder from Mexico at Zone Conference and I thought he sounded different. Dwight might go to the Rockets!!!! That’s awesome! They need a superstar--especially Dwight. An Elder here told me Steve Nash went to the Lakers. I think I might have lost a little respect for him after that, but you have to hate the sin and not the sinner right? hahaha!  Love you dad!
Your son Elder Travis Mairs (Myers)

Hey Mom!
Well I actually have some news this week. First of all, I finished reading the New Testament yesterday!!! I’m going to start the Doctrine and Covenants shortly. Also, we have transfers this week and Elder Biggs is leaving Justo Daract and Elder Day is going to be my companion. Apparently I will be considered the "senior companion". I don’t really know anything about him but I will up-date you a little more next week. He’s a lucky Elder, not because he is going to be my companion, but because Elder Biggs and I have quite a few potential baptisms coming up. He is coming at a good time. We had a Zone Conference this week and I now feel better prepared to serve.  Our mission president is awesome. 
I received a wonderful package from Patrice this week. My joy was full and still is. It is way harder to do pushups with the perfect pushups (the ones Patrice sent) but hey, no pain no gain huh? I think that is how life is anyway. As far as the missionary work goes, this was kind of a rough week. But you have to have tough weeks to find out how you can improve, right? I am glad I was sent to Argentina for this reason. My mission is not a mission where it is easy for the people to make changes in their life so that they might be baptized. I have learned that you always have to change yourself in order to help others make changes. Every week I feel like a different and a better person and I must say it has been the best one year of my life so far. It is not easy but like someone said (that the Savior said,) "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." (That one was for mom.hahaha) Well I love you a ton and thanks for sending me recipes! I am becoming quite the cook now if I do say so myself.
Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

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