Wednesday, November 7, 2012

July 23, 2012

Hey Dad!
Thanks for the encouragement! I started the D&C this week so I hope I can finish it in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Every time I read, I realize how much more I need to learn about the gospel.. Here is a question I have come across. In my reading I have found a lot of footnote references to the History of the Church. Was the History of the Church written by Joseph Smith? How many volumes are there? I don’t think this question will make a difference for me in a 1000 years from now--- but I was just wondering. I want to read it when I return... in a year. 
That’s funny to here about Spencer. I can’t imagine what a Korean Sacrament Meeting would be like. Our Sacrament Meetings are kind of different because there is only one young man in the Ward. Because of the shortage of Priesthood, one of the missionaries always blesses the Sacrament. We also have to give the Elders Quorum classes every 2nd and 3rd Sunday. Sometimes we even have to teach Primary. I am a full believer that a primary teacher is one of the hardest callings in the church! I have realized that the world is really a small place. There is a Woman’s Shoe Store here on the main street. Normally I don’t look at the advertizing posters in the shops (because you never know what you are going to see) but one day last week I had to turn around and take a second look at this certain model on a poster I looked at it for a bit and realized, I went to High School with that girl! There was Sarah Bledsoe from Santa Fe on an advertizing poster in Justo Daract, Argentina! That was kind of a weird experience.. Also a few weeks ago I saw some guy wearing a "TEXAS CITY" jacket. Hopefully I can feel right at home here! I guess that’s about it for now dad. I just want to tell you that I LOVE YOU DAD!!!
Love ,
Your son Elder Travis Myers
Hey Momma!
Thanks mom! I started the D&C this week and after I finish it---- NO MORE READING IN ENGLISH! I think I can be more productive on my mission when I am able to speak more like a native. I don’t know why but I feel like my Spanish has gotten a lot better in the past few weeks. It’s still not perfect but people are not really giving me weird looks like they used to when I spoke to them.. That feels good. 
Thanks for the fruit and spices! The Mission is really stressing for us to have an emergency 72 Hour Kit. I just finished a little one today, but I could always use more food! That is awesome to hear about how much you and dad love each other. Maybe a little TMI but it’s alright! Love you both! No, the members haven’t really heard my singing voice. I will be talking to someone this week so that I can work up something for Church--- I promise.  Recently I found out some good news! First, as you know, when I was serving in Malargue, there were not many people attending church. .Last week while I was in a interview with the Mission President, he told me that 70-80 people were now attending church! Even better, a less active family, that Elder Caro and I got to be friends with (right before I was transferred), are going to the temple to be sealed as a family within the month! And in San Jose, the guy Elder Smith and I baptized, is not only super strong in the church and sharing the gospel with his family, but is also planning on serving a mission! That is some of the best news I have ever received!. "How great shall be your joy". What a true statement.Well, I don’t have much time but I want you to know that I love you and that the Church is true. You can’t find joy like this anywhere else and it is a joy that lasts forever.
Love you forever!
Your son,
Elder Travis Myers

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