Wednesday, November 7, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hey dad!
Sound like you have a lot going on there! It’s crazy that Jason is leaving on his mission now. I guess he will be entering the MTC this week?....I have some good news to tell you but I’ll “spill the beans” in my letter to Momma. Hope you are doing awesome back at home!
Love you!
Elder Travis Dillon Myers
Hey Momma!
Sounds like you had your hands full last weekend and I am sure it was a BIG H !
Yeah, I feel like I am going to be a lot like grandpa when I get older (but will include the Body of a God Program to his Total Man). I would have loved to have attended the wedding reception with you…maybe not for the environment itself but more to see your reaction!  I have news this week! We had a BAPTISM for Celeste Avila, a 10 year old girl. After her less-active mom starting coming back to church, Celeste desired to be baptized.  I wish I could send pictures but, as always, the computers are not that great here and I am unable to send pictures. Anyway, because our church is just a house, it doesn't have a built in baptismal font, so we set up a big plastic pool thing inside and attached a water hose to the kitchen sink and waited for it to fill up. Also, the brother in the branch that was suppose to give the talk about the Holy Ghost couldn't make it, so I had to prepare a quick talk. I also ended up confirming her a member of the church. It was the first time I had ever done that so that was pretty exciting.  We had a pretty cool experience this week with Andrea and Walter, a couple investigating the church. Andrea is ready to be baptized but Walter (who reminds me a lot of Brandon Packard) wanted to investigate further before he made any commitment to be baptized. Well, last time we went over there we basically just answered questions he had and left challenging them to read 3rd Nephi chapter 11. When we returned last week, we ask them if they had completed their Book of Mormon reading challenge, Walter got all excited and started to explain what happened in the chapter but as he did I could see that he was beginning to tear up. As we continued talking, we found out that that night they had received an answer to their prayers. We learned that Andrea had seen the Savior in a dream She said it was so real that she woke up Walter and told him about her dream and as a result, they talked for awhile about the importance of going to church. Walter was pretty shook up by the experience but now he KNOWS that what we have taught him is true. It was a powerful experience for all of us and I was happy that I could be a part of it in some small way.  I guess that's all for now. I love you and I am so happy to hear how you are all doing.Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

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