Wednesday, November 7, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hey dad!
Sound like you have a lot going on there! It’s crazy that Jason is leaving on his mission now. I guess he will be entering the MTC this week?....I have some good news to tell you but I’ll “spill the beans” in my letter to Momma. Hope you are doing awesome back at home!
Love you!
Elder Travis Dillon Myers
Hey Momma!
Sounds like you had your hands full last weekend and I am sure it was a BIG H !
Yeah, I feel like I am going to be a lot like grandpa when I get older (but will include the Body of a God Program to his Total Man). I would have loved to have attended the wedding reception with you…maybe not for the environment itself but more to see your reaction!  I have news this week! We had a BAPTISM for Celeste Avila, a 10 year old girl. After her less-active mom starting coming back to church, Celeste desired to be baptized.  I wish I could send pictures but, as always, the computers are not that great here and I am unable to send pictures. Anyway, because our church is just a house, it doesn't have a built in baptismal font, so we set up a big plastic pool thing inside and attached a water hose to the kitchen sink and waited for it to fill up. Also, the brother in the branch that was suppose to give the talk about the Holy Ghost couldn't make it, so I had to prepare a quick talk. I also ended up confirming her a member of the church. It was the first time I had ever done that so that was pretty exciting.  We had a pretty cool experience this week with Andrea and Walter, a couple investigating the church. Andrea is ready to be baptized but Walter (who reminds me a lot of Brandon Packard) wanted to investigate further before he made any commitment to be baptized. Well, last time we went over there we basically just answered questions he had and left challenging them to read 3rd Nephi chapter 11. When we returned last week, we ask them if they had completed their Book of Mormon reading challenge, Walter got all excited and started to explain what happened in the chapter but as he did I could see that he was beginning to tear up. As we continued talking, we found out that that night they had received an answer to their prayers. We learned that Andrea had seen the Savior in a dream She said it was so real that she woke up Walter and told him about her dream and as a result, they talked for awhile about the importance of going to church. Walter was pretty shook up by the experience but now he KNOWS that what we have taught him is true. It was a powerful experience for all of us and I was happy that I could be a part of it in some small way.  I guess that's all for now. I love you and I am so happy to hear how you are all doing.Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

July 23, 2012

Hey Dad!
Thanks for the encouragement! I started the D&C this week so I hope I can finish it in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Every time I read, I realize how much more I need to learn about the gospel.. Here is a question I have come across. In my reading I have found a lot of footnote references to the History of the Church. Was the History of the Church written by Joseph Smith? How many volumes are there? I don’t think this question will make a difference for me in a 1000 years from now--- but I was just wondering. I want to read it when I return... in a year. 
That’s funny to here about Spencer. I can’t imagine what a Korean Sacrament Meeting would be like. Our Sacrament Meetings are kind of different because there is only one young man in the Ward. Because of the shortage of Priesthood, one of the missionaries always blesses the Sacrament. We also have to give the Elders Quorum classes every 2nd and 3rd Sunday. Sometimes we even have to teach Primary. I am a full believer that a primary teacher is one of the hardest callings in the church! I have realized that the world is really a small place. There is a Woman’s Shoe Store here on the main street. Normally I don’t look at the advertizing posters in the shops (because you never know what you are going to see) but one day last week I had to turn around and take a second look at this certain model on a poster I looked at it for a bit and realized, I went to High School with that girl! There was Sarah Bledsoe from Santa Fe on an advertizing poster in Justo Daract, Argentina! That was kind of a weird experience.. Also a few weeks ago I saw some guy wearing a "TEXAS CITY" jacket. Hopefully I can feel right at home here! I guess that’s about it for now dad. I just want to tell you that I LOVE YOU DAD!!!
Love ,
Your son Elder Travis Myers
Hey Momma!
Thanks mom! I started the D&C this week and after I finish it---- NO MORE READING IN ENGLISH! I think I can be more productive on my mission when I am able to speak more like a native. I don’t know why but I feel like my Spanish has gotten a lot better in the past few weeks. It’s still not perfect but people are not really giving me weird looks like they used to when I spoke to them.. That feels good. 
Thanks for the fruit and spices! The Mission is really stressing for us to have an emergency 72 Hour Kit. I just finished a little one today, but I could always use more food! That is awesome to hear about how much you and dad love each other. Maybe a little TMI but it’s alright! Love you both! No, the members haven’t really heard my singing voice. I will be talking to someone this week so that I can work up something for Church--- I promise.  Recently I found out some good news! First, as you know, when I was serving in Malargue, there were not many people attending church. .Last week while I was in a interview with the Mission President, he told me that 70-80 people were now attending church! Even better, a less active family, that Elder Caro and I got to be friends with (right before I was transferred), are going to the temple to be sealed as a family within the month! And in San Jose, the guy Elder Smith and I baptized, is not only super strong in the church and sharing the gospel with his family, but is also planning on serving a mission! That is some of the best news I have ever received!. "How great shall be your joy". What a true statement.Well, I don’t have much time but I want you to know that I love you and that the Church is true. You can’t find joy like this anywhere else and it is a joy that lasts forever.
Love you forever!
Your son,
Elder Travis Myers

July 16, 2012

Hey Dad!
You met someone from ¿Buenos Aries? That’s pretty cool. Yeah, I am finally starting to be able to tell the differences between accents here. There was a new Elder from Mexico at Zone Conference and I thought he sounded different. Dwight might go to the Rockets!!!! That’s awesome! They need a superstar--especially Dwight. An Elder here told me Steve Nash went to the Lakers. I think I might have lost a little respect for him after that, but you have to hate the sin and not the sinner right? hahaha!  Love you dad!
Your son Elder Travis Mairs (Myers)

Hey Mom!
Well I actually have some news this week. First of all, I finished reading the New Testament yesterday!!! I’m going to start the Doctrine and Covenants shortly. Also, we have transfers this week and Elder Biggs is leaving Justo Daract and Elder Day is going to be my companion. Apparently I will be considered the "senior companion". I don’t really know anything about him but I will up-date you a little more next week. He’s a lucky Elder, not because he is going to be my companion, but because Elder Biggs and I have quite a few potential baptisms coming up. He is coming at a good time. We had a Zone Conference this week and I now feel better prepared to serve.  Our mission president is awesome. 
I received a wonderful package from Patrice this week. My joy was full and still is. It is way harder to do pushups with the perfect pushups (the ones Patrice sent) but hey, no pain no gain huh? I think that is how life is anyway. As far as the missionary work goes, this was kind of a rough week. But you have to have tough weeks to find out how you can improve, right? I am glad I was sent to Argentina for this reason. My mission is not a mission where it is easy for the people to make changes in their life so that they might be baptized. I have learned that you always have to change yourself in order to help others make changes. Every week I feel like a different and a better person and I must say it has been the best one year of my life so far. It is not easy but like someone said (that the Savior said,) "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." (That one was for mom.hahaha) Well I love you a ton and thanks for sending me recipes! I am becoming quite the cook now if I do say so myself.
Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

July 9, 2012

It’s all good here. Sorry to hear about your duck not surviving! I had high hopes for
it. I was just telling my companion about El Rancho Cima (which would mean the top ranch or something like that.) The peaches ya’ll purchased in Fredricksburg sounds delicious! Enjoy the peaches! Nothing is really new here, but we did see two stinkin’ cats in a tree this week! I started drawing pictures in my journal of the things I experience and see. A drawing of the cats in the tree definitely was one of my journal entries I made this week.
Love you dad!
Elder Travis Myers
Hey Mom!
About the chocolate syrup. The first two days I don’t think I have ever had so much chocolate milk in so little time--- but now I have got a grip on things and am using it with moderation. Word of Wisdom! 
That’s so awesome how you and dad are exercising and eating super healthy foods. That
salad sounds delicious. I think I can find about 4 of those ingredients for the salad where I am--but I will look around. Also thanks for the thought about loving the country. I have known a few missionaries who might need something like that. I was reading the letters of Paul in the Bible and one part that really stood out to me was when he said he became as those he was teaching to bring more souls unto God. To the Jews he was a Jew, to the Romans he was a Roman, and I would assume to the Argentines he would have become an Argentine. Paul knew what he was talking about! 
As far as my reading is going, by next Monday, I should be finished with the New Testament. I plan on reading the D&C and then finish reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. After I do this, my goal is to only read the scriptures and Preach My Gospel in Spanish. I speak better than I ever have in Spanish right now, but I think until I speak like a native, I won’t be satisfied. I know we learn from our challenges and I believe speaking like an native might be one of my challenges.  Well, I love you and God be with you till we meet again!
Elder Travis Myers

JULY 2, 2012

Hey Dad!
You caught a duck? hahaha! That’s awesome! You should name it Patito. (it means little duck) Me and my companion have been trying to catch the gophers and the big rabbit that live in our yard, but they are too fast for us. Maybe someday... Anyway, it seems like I have been updating ya’ll with my exercise program maybe a little too often but I just wanted you to know that I started doing 230 pushups every morning. Three more weeks of that and technically I should have the "Body of a God". I don’t know if I´ll be at that point in 3 weeks but who knows.!?
Even though this is a short letter today, I just want you to know that I love you a ton and Happy 4th of July from Argentina!
Love, Elder Travis Myers
PS- I don’t know how I forgot but---HAPPY LATE FATHERS DAY to the best
father a son could ask for!!! Love you dad!

Hey Mom!
Thanks for the package! I can’t wait to make tacos! Don’t worry about not sending the Hershey bars. They have pretty good chocolate here and sometimes at the big grocery stores they have a small American shelf where you can find candy bars etc. You may not be happy about this but I just couldn’t help myself today. I was shopping today and was looking at one of the "American Shelves" and nearly started dancing when I found a large bottle of GENUINE HERSHEYS SYRUP!!!! Now that I think of it, I’m pretty sure I did dance a bit. I purchased a bottle and my companion even purchased a bottle! I still remember the time when we were at the grocery store and you were about to buy a bottle of Hershey’s syrup (because Donny was coming over) and then put it back on the shelf because I wouldn’t promise you that I would not pour chocolate over my ice cream. I just had to tell you that. I love you so much mom!

Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012

Hey Mom,
Thank you sooooo much for sending the recipes! We made SLOPPY JOSE’S today and they were SOOOOO good. My companion usually doesn't comment too much on his food but he told me "These are pretty good", I can’t tell you how happy I am to have a pot of Sloppy Jose's in the refrigerator. Also, thanks for sending the Taco Recipe today.. I think I can get all the ingredients except for the garlic salt and cumin. They put oregano on everything here so there will be no problem getting that spice.
Here’s my BODY OF A GOD PROGRAM for anyone who is interested. It works and it takes the full 30 minutes we have for exercising in the morning.
The first week or two you kind of have to work into it but afterwards...
Week 1-3
50 Wide pushups, 35 regular pushups, and 20 close hand pushups 80 crunches
Week 4-6
65 Wide pushups, 50 regular pushups, and 35 close hand pushups 100 crunches
Week 7-9
80 Wide pushups, 70 regular pushups, and 50 close hand pushups 120 crunches
100 Wide pushups, 85 regular pushups, and 50 close hand pushups 150 crunches
Maintaining "The body of a God"
120 Wide pushups, 85 regular pushups, and 50 close hand pushups 180 crunches
***With the crunches you can just do as many as you want, just so you keep doing more and more. Also it is good to run 3 times a week Because we walk all day long here, running 3 times a week is not necessary…
Anyway, I am doing good here. I am loving the New Testament and have finished reading Matthew and Mark. We are having so much fun here in Justo Daract. Our Mission President has basically given us permission to just go out and have fun with the people. So, we are now playing soccer with the kids in the streets and they love us!. They call me Hercules. I don’t mind. hahaha. It seems like the word is getting around in this little town that the missionaries are actually cool As a result, people are just coming up and talking to us. We are working with some people so please-- pray that they will be home when we go and make our visits!!!! I have heard many missionaries say, "If I had only done this or that before the mission…” I can honestly say that if I had not gone on a mission, I never would have truly understood who I am and what I am suppose to do to become the person God wants me to be…I am running out of time now... I love you mom! Thanks for Bishop Larson’s talk! I am going to use that!
Love you!
Elder Travis Myers

PS. Dad, I took most of my letter writing time writing to Mom Just wanted to let you know that I am going to try my best to send you an alfajor. Alfajor’s kind of remind me of Hostess cupcakes! They are so good that I have to buy one every week and eat them with milk.
Well, love you dad!
Love your son
Elder Travis Myers

June 18, 2012

Hey Dad!
Sounds like you had an awesome week living the country dream! That's awesome that Mark Burkey got his mission papers in!!
(Tom wrote Travis and told him that he did not think they would be having the traditional Father and Son wrestling matches any more since Travis is getting so strong with his exercise missionary program- This was Travis’ response: RMyers)
We are definitely going to have a wrestling match when I get back. I still think you could take me. I don't have your moves! hahaha.(“We pray for you several times a day…” Part of Tom’s letter to Travis this week.)
Thanks for the prayers. I think I can feel them. Every time we have a bad week, I can feel everyone praying to help me out. This week was no exception. We presented quite a few more lessons than previous weeks. In fact, we went from having 2 progressing investigators last week to 9 this week. It is probably the most investigators this area has ever had! We are going to try to set a ton of baptismal dates this week. COME ON AGENCY!! Everything is going good here. I think I finally figured out how I can progress as the Lord wants me to. It took me awhile to figure that out. The answer was pretty simple and it is found in Preach My Gospel. I learned that I needed to FIRST, have a goal, SECOND, make plans to complete the goal in a reasonable time period, and THIRD, to DO IT. Like Grandpa’s TOTAL MAN, it works with everything-----spiritual, physical, mental, etc Well, I love you and I always love to hear that everything is going great back home.

Love you!
Elder Travis Dillon Myers
PS- I think I might be ordering another name tag that says ELDER MAIRS. No one can say Myers right and that's how it would be spelt here. Love ya!

Hey Mom!
I don't have a ton of time right now but I love you alot. I finished reading JESUS THE CHRIST and I think I will probably finish reading The Pearl of Great Price this week. I have never read The Pearl of Great Price from cover to cover and so I decided, why not now?. I wanted to read Jesus the Christ, The Pearl of Great Price, The New Testament and The Doctrine and Covenants before I hit my mission year mark. I think I will be able to make it! I also want to finish reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. I have a lot of goals now and with Gods help, He is making them possible..
Mom, I am looking forward to eating some of your tacos again. We tried to make some the other day but... they were not the same. Anyway, I love you so much and hope you never forget it!!!

Love, your son,
Elder Myers