Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1st Transfer - Malargue to San Jose

Hey Mom!
…This week was pretty great although there is some sad news. The Zone leaders from the offices came down for about 3 days and we did exchanges. I’m beginning to realize how important it is to have 4 missionaries in Malargue. I will just say we worked, walked, sang, and saw miracles. I felt somewhat like a pioneer. Anyway, the Lord blessed us BIG TIME. Thirteen less-active members came back to church last Sunday, some of which we have been working with since I got here. We had a great attendance at church, even though two of the most active families (that bring quite a few people) were in different cities.
We also are finding (through the less-actives and by just looking for them) many people who are ready to be baptized. The other day (when I was with one of the zone leaders), we were looking for a less-active member who had just started coming back to church. In our search for this less-active, we knocked on the wrong door. The mother who opened the door, invited us in and we were able to teach her a lesson. As we taught this mother, she started to cry. She told us that she wanted to learn more so she could help her family. She even said the closing prayer. Is that prepared or what? I can’t even imagine what the attendance will be like at church this coming Sunday! Sad thing is, I won’t get to see it. I leave Malargue Wednesday for San Jose, Mendoza. It’s sad that I have to go, but I can leave saying the branch is stronger and God gave me a confirmation that I did my part. One of the good things about San Jose is that there is an alfajor factory (cookie factory) in the area. I think before I go back home. I am just going to buy a couple boxes of alfajors so you can all try some. I don’t think any one of you would like to try mate, the famous Argentina drink (pronounced Mah-Tay). I haven’t tried it but it smells A LOT like the hay we feed the cows. Anyway, I guess that’s all the news I have right now. I am going to have another Latin companion in San Jose and Elder Maughn (the other district leader I served with in the MTC) is one of the elders taking my place in Malargue. I Love you!
Your Son Elder Myers

Hey Dad!
…I went on exchanges with one of the zone leaders that sounds just like Jacob. I felt like I was serving with my brother. That was pretty cool. I’m learning a lot every day. I have been studying directly from Preach My Gospel. I kind of want to master that book. It is so much easier to study Preach My Gospel-- once you are a missionary. Well, that’s about it. I love you and it’s great to hear from you! Love, your son, Elder Travis Myers

PS- Thanks for trying to send those magazines to the Torres family. They are like my family here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

40 Day Fast (English) is OVER!

Letter received: January 23, 2012

Hey Dad!
… This week was pretty good. We knocked on a few doors and found some really prepared people to teach. One lady basically said, “I don't understand why there are so many churches when there is only one God!” We gave her a short first lesson, and a Bible, (somehow, she already had a Book of Mormon ) She said she would read and pray about the things we taught. Sadly though, (because I might get a transfer to another area), I might not see what happens to this lady. Thursday we had a Zone Conference and President Avila basically told me I am probably going to be leaving Malargue soon. Just so you know – about every 6 weeks there is always a possibility of being re-assigned to another area. After the 1st six weeks in an area, you are basically guaranteed to stay in that same area for another 6 weeks. After the 2nd six weeks in an area, you might be transferred to another area (but it is more likely that you will stay) After the 3rd six weeks in an area, your time is up in that area, unless of course you are Elder Stufflebeam who had 5 six week periods in Malargue. Now for some good news. I FINISHED MY 40 DAY FAST OF ENGLISH! I believe now I can say that I speak Spanish. Understanding some people is a different story, but when I have something I need to say, I can. When I can understand people, I have no problem talking. This next transfer I am going to focus on understanding-- such as.learning as many vocabulary words as possible and being able to use them,-- reading the scriptures in Spanish and -- looking up words I don't understand. That's basically what is going on here. Love you!
Your son, Elder Myers

Hey Mom!
I would just like to say-I love you a lot. You will be glad to know that I am still studying like crazy and learning a ton everyday. Right now I am taking the Attributes of Christ from the PMG Section and looking up every scripture, analyzing what the overall message is, and writing down my thoughts and how to apply it. I love it! Patience has basically been my topic for the last few days. I love the story about Alma and his people (when they were in bondage) and how they were delivered . Even though they were not allowed to pray publically, they prayed in their hearts and soon through their faith and patience, their burdens were made light. Not only were their burdens made light, but they continued to pray and later they were set free. Sometimes in this life I believe we pray for things and when we receive relief, we stop praying. If we extend our vision and continue on praying with patience, trusting in God to bless us after our time of trial, we will be set free from our burdens, not just relieved. I have written a ton more about this subject in my study journal and I can’t wait to share all of this with you and Dad. Another great thing about all this studying is that by the end of my mission, I will basically have a talk ready for just about every subject. More and more people are starting to come to church, a few of which are people we have been visiting. I love how the work in progressing in Malargue and I think by the time of the next transfer, the Lord’s work will progress even further, with or without me. I love you Mom and it’s great to hear from you every week. I think that is why I am not really homesick-- I get to talk to you every week.
I love you Mom!
Your son, Elder Myers

PS I just bought a flash drive so I can save my pictures and do some church work . I think I will be buying some cheap shoes today. One dollar is about 4 pesos here and the shoes I think I´ll be buying are about 40 pesos. Ten dollar shoes! Woohoo!

Pig Eye????

Letter from: January 2, 2012

Hey Dad!
Sounds great over there. I’m excited to hear about Michael Renfroe putting his Mission Papers in! Woo-hoo! Elder Caro and I have a plan to work with the less-active. We have a list of all the less-active members in the ward, (all 26 pages) We plan on taking this list and visiting all the less-active. During this process we will also find out who has moved, died, etc. Apparently there are people on the list who have been dead for 15 years. So, we will start with this list and help clear-up the church records. The House of the Lord is a House of order and the records here are far from being organized.
I love you Dad! Elder Travis Myers

Wow! Thanks for all the news mom! I don’t have a ton of time to write today because I had a lot to read this week. But there are a few things I would like to say very quickly.

1. I love studying! It’s one of my favorite things now because of all the cool things I am learning.
2. I started memorizing a scripture every day again. It’s my goal for this year.
3. I got to see almost all my MTC District on Wednesday Dec 28th. I felt like Alma the younger with the sons of Mosiah. My joy was full. Elder Tingey (his MTC companion--- Rachel) already has some crazy stories. He is in the hottest area in the mission right now. He says the evening showers are hot because during the day, the sun heats up the water tanks (which are above the houses) and their freezer hardly works. I am so glad I am in Malargue right now, (coolest part of the mission) Sadly I had to take a break from my English Fast for part of a day, but I am back on it.
4. I believe the Fast is starting to work. I have received several compliments in the past few days on how much better my Spanish is. I still have a LONG way to go but at least I know I am progressing a little. I am halfway there! 20 more days before my fast is complete!

Well, I love you! Your son, Elder Myers

Letter from: JANUARY 9, 2012
…I found out something interesting about Malargue from my companion. This is the one area in the mission that no one wants to go to. I was kind of shocked when I heard that… The Good News now in Malargue is that I believe it is time to start re-activating the members who have gone astray from the gospel. Right now we have great families who are moving into the ward (one I believe might be a seventy one day—AND, he speaks English-thank goodness) I believe this man will help immensely with the work we have to do here…I also believe Satan has tried hard to stop the work of the Lord. I am not sure if I will be here when everything is back to normal in the ward, but I am just glad I get to be part of the process. Oh, and Daniel was right. We have two new people here that will for sure be baptized soon because we worked with the less-actives. Life is for the most part good.

Love ya’ll! Elder Myers

Thanks Mom. Your letters always make me happy. Thanks to the prayers that have been said in our behalf, because we are finding some people who are prepared to receive the gospel. One such person came to church Sunday with some friends and basically wants to be baptized. I believe we are doing the right thing by working with the list of the less-active members…We are also finding out that a ton of people who are on the less-active list have either moved or died or have no interest for some reason or another. But on the other hand, we have found out that many of the less-actives are ready to come back to church, because all they can remember is how happy they were when they went to church. I told my companion, that in the Bible we learn the parable of the good Shepherd who left the 99 sheep to look for the one. Here in Malargue we only have to leave about 5 of the sheep to look for the 95 lost sheep! What a search! Soon I believe we will see the fruits of our labors. I don’t have much to say other than that, but I am so glad I am here and so glad I can help the Lord build up His kingdom in this part of (quite literally) His vineyard.
With a ton of love, Your son, Elder Myers

PS. Monday I ate (drum roll…..) pig eye. I REALLY did not want to, but then again, there are not many people who can say they have eaten Bar B-Q pig eye on their mission, now can they?


Letter from: December 19, 2011
I have some good and bad news. First of all, transfers are coming up and Elder Stufflebeam will be leaving for Central Mendoza. Sad to see him go because I learned a lot from him. Good News though, I’m getting a Latin companion! AND (Donny is going to love this part) he is from Chile! (but I don’t know what part of Chile he is from) My new companion’s name is Elder Caro and I am pretty excited. I believe that with Elder Caro’s help I will be able to speak Spanish fairly well. AND for sure, I will be able to understand Donny. I have a little secret. I have been fasting this whole week from English. The only English contact I have now are these e-mails, my journal, and personal study I’m just thankful I have a companion who is willing to speak only in Spanish or else next week could possibly be more than I could handle. Because of Elder Stufflebeam’s help, I believe I will feel a little more prepared for a Spanish speaking companion.. I can already say my ability to speak Spanish has at least doubled. I was able to answer the phone yesterday and answer the sister’s questions. Granted, the conversation was approximately 30 seconds long but still, that’s WAY better than it was last week. I made a goal to fast from English for 40 days because I believe it is about time that I speak to people well and I believe this is the best way I can do it. I think God is helping me with this goal because it is going to be just me and Elder Caro for at least 6 weeks and we will be 3 hours away from the nearest missionaries who speak English. It may be a little more than I asked for but that’s fine with me, God knows better than I do. We had a great activity this week. It was all about PREACH MY GOSPEL and how the members can help us in missionary work. Since I have been on the mission, I have realized how much we need the help of the members. There are a lot of people here who believe we (the missionaries) are American spies! So, there is hardly any chance we are going to be able to teach unless the members get involved. True, we will find people on our own, who are ready to receive the lessons, but the work would just be so much faster if the members would actively seek to declare the restored gospel to their friends. It would start a chain reaction and we would need double the amount of missionaries that Elder Holland talked about in this last conference. Good news though is that the members really are getting excited and I’m excited that they are getting excited. Can you feel the excitement?

Well, I love you all! Until next week! Elder Myers

Letter from: December 26, 2011
It was great to see you too! I was really afraid we were going to have problems with SKYPE and guess what? We did! Anyway, I’m just glad we found a way to make it work. Maybe we should really plan out the next SKYPE conversation a little better, if we can. Do I think I will stay in Malargue much longer? Hmmmmmmm. I don’t think so but it is possible. I have at least 6 more weeks left until the next transfer. I feel my purpose of being here right now is to work as hard as I can and learn the language. I almost feel like I won’t leave Malargue until I can understand people --therefore, the English Fast. Good news, we visited San Rafael and I could almost understand every word there…People here have a way different accent and speak REALLY fast. So, when I do leave Malargue, I should be able to understand just about anybody…
Love, Your son Elder Travis Myers

Boiled Goat Head??

Letter from: December 5, 2011
Hey Dad!

I’m doing great! The missionary work is always improving here and I’m just glad to be apart of it. We didn’t have the baptism last week but this week we will have two and we are hoping for this one lady, who already knows the church is true, to commit to be baptized that day as well. We are finding a lot more people to teach and I believe that is happening because we are trying to find more ways to be obedient (Kind of like, when we read something from PREACH MY GOSPEL that we forgot or didn’t understand completely, we try to apply it as soon as we can.) I’m starting to really love it here….

Love you Dad!
You Son, Elder Myers

PS. The only things I might really need down here is my personal shopping card---which does not work for some reason. I kind of need to buy shoes. Not church shoes but Preparation Day shoes. I don’t know what happened, but the shoes I brought are way too small and they kind of hurt my feet. But I don’t really wear them that much so I can wait if I have to…I Love You Dad!

Hey Mama!
It’s alright if you write long letters. I know how you are! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m always excited to hear about what you are doing and how you are doing… As for Christmas, I think you will be calling me. I don’t have the instructions yet but when I get them, I will be sure to give you all those details. I’m really excited to talk to you both again! Well, I love you mom and I hope you just keep doing what you are doing. I Love you! Your Son,
Elder Myers

(Here’s a Letter for everyone)
Hey Everyone!
Things are going great here! I keep forgetting to mention the thing most people are wondering. How tall am I compared to everyone else? Well, I’ll put it this way…I have to duck to get into every house here. Even at the church I have to duck to get into the doorways. I’m exactly as tall as the door frame. Many of the kids here know me as Giraffe. Not everyone is super short, but there’s not that many people over 6 foot tall. Also, I have eaten the weirdest thing I will probably ever eat in my life. We ate with some members that must really like us. They gave us an Argentine Delicacy---Boiled Baby Goat Head. I am not joking! What did I eat of this goat head do you ask? Well we started with the tongue and afterwards they cracked the skull open and they used the brain as some kind of meat spread on bread. Amazingly, it wasn’t bad. Would I ever make it myself? Probably not. Well, we had another project. It went very well, but once again, the members did not bring anyone. Next activity we are going to teach the members how to be missionaries. The mission has taught me that really, you don’t need a name tag to be a missionary. You just have to be yourself. That is what we will be trying to teach the members here in 2 weeks. Pray it goes well! To Be Continued…Elder MyersPhotobucket

Missionary Work

Letter from: November 28, 2011
Hey mom and dad! I loved hearing about all the experiences ya’ll had last week! Sounds like a real party! I loved seeing the pictures too! Those were great! Well I believe Elder Stufflebeam and I have been really blessed this week. We had some really great experiences about how God works with people. I’v always heard how God prepares people (usually during trying times), to hear the gospel of Christ. This week I was able to see this in action. Elder Stufflebeam and I decided that we were going to focus on getting new investigators, because thankfully two of the investigators we have now are getting baptized this week and we believe there might be one more we can commit to baptism that day. A few experiences I’ll share with you:

1. We talked to this lady and gave her the first lesson because she was worried about her daughter’s salvation and wasn’t sure about the other churches she has gone to.

2. After getting lost (while looking for a certain house), we ended up talking to a man (who said he is hardly ever home). He told us that he was really in a time of his life when he wanted to know if the church he was going to was true.

3. We talked to another man (who was baptized when he was young.), and he told us that he wanted to come back to church.

4. And finally, we met another man and in our conversation, I just happened to say, “We have a message about how God can bless our families.” After I said that, he told us that he was having family problems that very day and had decided to go on a walk to get away from it all. I don’t believe any of these experiences were just coincidence. There are many other stories like this that are just starting to happen here. We have our last major project coming up here this Saturday and I believe with prayers and obedience.,-- it will go exactly as the Lord would have it go. Love ya’ll back home! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Myers

PS- For Dad--I will be sending pictures next week and the next transfer I am about a 100% sure I am going to be assigned to a Latin companion. I have to cook quite a bit so I´ve learned to cook pretty well. People drive really slow here sometimes (as in 5 miles an hour on the main roads) ----NOT KIDDING! One day we walked in front of a truck that was about 20 feet a way because it was moving so slow.
( Travis wrote and told us he was trying to learn how to develop some extra talents etc. while on his mission. In response to his letter, I wrote him a note and suggested that maybe some of the talents he was trying to master could be done when he got home. I also told him that I hoped he would not be offended by my suggestion/or counsel that I had given him. Rachel)

PS For Mom.-- I´m not offended by anything you said. I only work on my typing when I am writing e-mails once a week. So, the time I spend typing is not taking up any extra time (I can already notice a difference and I don´t really have to look down anymore at the keyboard!) I think I will be putting the piano away until I believe I can speak fluently (which might be for quite some time), But, when I did practice the piano, it was only for about 5 minutes a day. I realize the talents I have, but I believe I have received specific revelation to develop some of my talents here. My patriarchal blessing says I have been blessed with many talents, but it also says I have other talents that need to be developed and I should ask God how I should go about developing these talents and abilities. I have actually prayed about it…I just want the Lord to be able to use me in as many ways as He can and I want to be the best servant to Him that I can be. I love you mom and I promise I am only going to develop these things in the Lords time.
Elder MyersPhotobucket