Monday, October 10, 2011

Keep praying for me!

(Food Travis talked about in this letter...Noquis)

Hey Everyone!
Okay so this was more or less crazy. We're having a ton of luck with people in the streets and everyone seems to want to hear the gospel. However, when we go to their house we either find out the address does not even exist or they are not there. We haven't been in a single new investigators house. We then always end up giving practice lessons at a members house. I guess we're just not having much luck. Next week I think we are going to actually visit someone new, but just in case, pray people will be there. I still can hardly understand anyone and some of the members of the branch don't like me as much because I can't understand anything they are saying to me. Oh well. I made a study plan so I'm not really worried about it. Donny will be happy to know I made my first cardboard, Ensign picture scripture case. I need to buy some more tape, but I must say it looks pretty sweet. Also, I got sick at the first part of the week, and then the day after I started feeling better we had a hailstorm. It was kind of funny. We were buying milk for a member, dont ask, and as we were walking back it just started hailing like crazy. I'd say fruit-loop sized hail. No rain. It covered the ground in a matter of five minutes. It looked like it had snowed! Also, I got to go on exchanges with the other new missionary who has the same amout of time out as I do. Surprisingly, we didn't do too bad and we made it through the day. As for the ward, there are about 40 people attending church and about 600 members. That's something we plan on working on. The food is pretty good. We mostly make it ourselves, but the members feed us pretty often. I've had things called ñoquis which were awesome (Kami might want to look them up) and beef filled green baby pumpkins with potatoes...that was interesting. The people are great, the kids shout "Heelo! Wha chour name?" - and things like that. Yes, I have been called a giraffe. Some kid took our name tags for about five minutes. Dogs are everywhere and only one of them looked like it would have bite us so that's all good. Well, I can't write everything down here. I've already seen miracles happen here, but I dont really have time to write them all. I'm keeping up with my journal so don't worry.
Love all of you!
Elder Myers

PS We don't get to wash clothes much, but I'm suppose to wash them today... Love ya mom and dad!


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