Monday, October 3, 2011

Temple Experience Discussion

LETTER Received September 20, 2011

Okay, we literally have no time to write today. I love you both so much. I’m beginning to realize the pressure of the mission and my new calling as District Leader. I think I’ll get over it soon but just keep me in your prayers (not that I don’t think you are already doing that). Love ya!
Your son,
Elder Myers

Snail Mail this week:

Hey Mom and Dad!

“…I couldn’t be happier here and I think I’m learning more Spanish. I know I can’t speak great, but I think I might be able to express myself when I get to Argentina. I might have to act out a few things, but I think I can get my point across. Other than that, there’s nothing much going on here that hasn’t been going on before.

I guess I can share one story. Every Tuesday we have a devotional by a General Authority and after every devotional, we have a class testimony/discussion over what was taught. In one of our discussions we had about 30 minutes left over to do whatever. I felt prompted to ask if anyone had a special experience at the temple that day. After a few moments of silence, the sisters spoke up and said that when they were leaving the temple that day, they had seen some non-members going on a walk. They had a feeling to go and talk to them but they continued to walk all the way back down the mountain, to their dorm. When they got back to their dorm, they decided they had to go back and find the family. So, they walked all the way back up the mountain because that thought bugged them that much. They found the family still there and they just talked to them awhile. After they shared their experience with us, we had an awesome discussion of how the Spirit prompts people and how that prompting could change peoples lives. I learned the importance of having the Spirit as a companion. I know that if we have the Spirit when we teach, people will feel those same feelings. They might not accept it at first and they may walk away, but if they really feel something, it will be hard for them to forget and there is a good chance they will come back. Well, I love you two a ton and I just want you to know that I’m doing just fine. And if something bad does happen, “I ain’t a caring.”
Love, You son, Elder Travis Dillon Myers


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