Monday, October 3, 2011


Travis called from the Salt Lake Airport on September 26, 2011. He said he was ready and glad to be out of the MTC and on his way. He was traveling with 20 Elders/Sisters headed for Argentina and their next stop was NEW YORK/JFK airport. He called again from New York and had a wonderful conversation with his parents. After a day of worry (on our part) and wondering if he arrived safely - Mom received the following email and photo. We are SO excited he is safely in the arms of those loving missionaries and mission president. We are so anxious to hear from him and find out who his new companion is and where he is serving.

¡¡ Hola Familias !!!

How are we all doing? Let me tell you . I am tired! It has been quite the adventure.

I would like to inform each and every one of you that your Missionary has arrived safely into our arms!! Last night, as all 20 of our new Missionaries arrived, they had the privilege to eat dinner with our wonderful mission president, President Avila, and his family. Everyone has Smiles and we can honestly feel their energy and excitement to share the Gospel!! They are an amazing group.

Today was a day full of even more training meetings and each had the opportunity to be interviewed by President Avila . . . in Spanish! Your Missionary has met their trainer and many are traveling the last leg of their journey to their area right now.

Feel free to respond with questions. Just know that your child is Safe and Happy here in the Grand Misión Mendoza!

We love you.
Elder Ostler
Secretario Misión Mendoza Argentina

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