Monday, October 3, 2011


September 20, 2011

Well, life is good! Mi espanol es muy malo pero, Yo pienso yo puedo aprender. no se.
I don't have a lot of time this week . I will be leaving the MTC at 3:00 am Monday morning for the Salt Lake City Airport. From there we will fly to the Dallas/ Fort Worth Airport. Then we will fly to the New York/JFK airport and then we’ll fly to Argentina. After we arrive in Argentina, we will probably be on a bus for 11 hours, traveling across the country to Mendoza. That should be fun! A lot of study time! See ya!
Elder Myers

P.S.- I 've seen Ben Winslett quite a few times and I might get to host Elder Seigfried tomorrow!

Hey Madre y Padre,

I can’t wait to call ya’ll. By the time you get this letter, I will have probably already called ya’ll and arrived in Argentina. I just want to let you both know that I AM READY! My Spanish might not be awesome, but I think I can teach about every lesson. I am going to work hard and believe that even if I get into what people call a ‘dead area’, I can still bring success, because the Lord is preparing people everywhere. I love you both and want you to not worry about me. Tristan is in a room right down the hall from me. He’s so excited to be here and hopefully we can get a picture together today.
Well, love ya’ll!
Your son,
Elder Myers
P.S. I’m sending a whole packet home of letters. I don’t think I have room for them in my suitcase.

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