Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baptisms in Malargue!

Hey mom and dad! I loved hearing about all the Thanksgiving activities ya’ll had last week! Sounds like a real party! I loved seeing the pictures that were sent too!! Those were great! Elder Stufflebeam and I have been really blessed this week. We had some really great experiences. I have always heard that God prepares people, (usually during trying times), to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. This week I was able to witness first hand how God works with people. Yesterday was a great day. Elder Stufflebeam and I made a goal that we were going to focus on getting new investigators, because thankfully, two of the investigators we have now are getting baptized this week and we believe there might be one more that is ready to commit to baptism. Any way, to make a long story short, we “just so happened” to run into a lady who wasn’t sure about the churches she had attended and was worried about her daughter’s salvation. Because of her concerns, we were able to give her the first lesson. Another day we got lost looking for a house but ended up finding a man who was home. This man told us that he is hardly ever home but was really in a time in his life that he wanted to know if the church he was going to was true. We met another man that was baptized when he was young and had become inactive. The timing could not have been better for us to meet him because he really wants to come back to church. And finally we met another man who was taking a walk and in our conversation with him, I just happened to say, "We have a message about how God can bless our families." We learned later that the reason this man was taking a walk was because he was having serious family problems and had decided to go on a walk to get away from it all. I don´t believe any of those experiences were just coincidence. There are many other stories like this that are just starting to happen here. We have our last major project coming up here this Saturday and I believe with prayers and obedience, it will go exactly the way the Lord would have it go. Love yall back home! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Travis Myers

PS- I will be sending pictures next week. Next transfer I am about a 100% sure I am going to have a Latin companion, We have to cook quite a bit here so I have learned to cook pretty well. Something interesting--people drive really slow here sometimes (as in 5 miles an hour on the main roads) I’m not kidding!!!. We actually walked in front of a truck that was about 20 feet a way because it was moving so slow.
(In Travis’ last letter to us, he had mentioned that he was learning how to type and play the piano. Thinking that he was spending too much time developing those talents, I wrote a letter to him and gave him some “mama counsel” In offering him counsel, I told him that I did not want to offend him in any way and that I hoped he would take the counsel in the spirit that it was given I suggested to him that maybe learning how to type and play the piano was a talent he might need to learn after his mission—not during his mission I also listed some developed talents he had taken with him to Argentina such as the talent of putting on production, the talent of singing, and the talent of developing a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ- R Myers)
PPS Mom, I am not offended by anything you said, I only work on my typing when I am writing e-mails once a week and so I’m not taking up any extra time I have already noticed improvements in my typing!! I don´t really have to look down at the keyboard anymore!!! As far as the piano, I think I will be putting that away until I believe I can speak fluently (which might be for quite some time) When I did practice the piano, it was only for about 5 minutes a day. I realize the talents I have developed. My patriarchal blessing says I have been blessed with many talents, but it also says I have other talents that need to be developed and I should ask God how I should go about developing these talents and abilities. I have actually prayed about it and have received specific revelation on how to develop some other talents while here in Argentina. Who knows, in the future, the Lord might need to use me in the mission offices where typing skills will be needed and if not, I can share more details of my mission with ya’ll. I just want the Lord to be able to use me in as many ways as He can and I want to be the best servant to Him that I can be. I love you mom and I promise I´m only going to develop these things in the Lords time. Love, Your son Elder Travis Myers

(After I received his weekly letter- Tamra’s response to his letter was, “Mama, what he was really saying to you was, ‘Mom, please don’t worry about me because I am about my Father’s business.” I was once again proud of his spiritual maturity and realized that he is totally relying on the Lord for guidance, which gives me much comfort and joy!. Rachel Myers)


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Missionary Project Update:

Hey Mom and Dad!
Well, I must say, our big missionary “miracle” project did not go exactly as planned, but I do believe it went exactly as the Lord planned. We saw too many miracles for this not to have gone as God intended. I thought I knew what real faith was before my mission. I was wrong. Within the past few weeks, I have learned more about faith and have had to exercise my faith more than I probably ever have had to in my entire life. In the scriptures we learn that after the Lord called Enoch to preach repentance to the people, Enoch ask the Lord, “Why is it that I have found favor in Thy sight, and am but a lad, and all the people hate me; for I am slow of speech; wherefore am I Thy servant?” Like Enoch, I can hardly talk (the language) and some of the people here
don't even like me! A few times I have wondered to myself-- how can I possibly do all this?¨ So, this is what happened last week with our Missionary Project (which was to invite as many people as we could possibly invite to the main plaza of Malargue, to hear 3 missionaries, including myself, to teach about the Restoration of the Lord’s Gospel) We ended up getting publicity through the main radio station in the District of Malargue (not just the city) and from another local radio station (which I thought was kind of humorous because they were playing Alan Jackson before our commercial.) We got Elder Stufflebeam to announce our activity in his radio voice. It only cost us around 40 pesos total (equal to about $10 US dollars.) AND we got a TV commercial, which was completely free!. I have written down all the miracles that happened day by day. Sadly, we encountered some problems on the day of the activity. As huge dark clouds were lurking over the mountains, we moved 120 chairs, a chalkboard, and a podium in the back of the Branch Presidents truck (yes, they somehow all fit into his pick-up truck. I have a picture to prove it.) Then it started to rain pretty hard At first I must admit I was a little down and couldn’t help asking ¨Why is this happening?¨ --but then I began to remember what had already happened to make this come to pass. So we, (the elders and the Branch President) said a prayer. After the prayer we were off without any complaints and the rain eventually stopped. We drove to the plaza and when we got there, we set up all the chairs, etc. Right before our activity, we encountered another problem. Because of the storm that was suppose to happen, the city turned off the power in the plaza. With no power, the sound guy that came (for free) did not have anything to power the giant speakers he brought. We had about 20-30 people in attendance (which was probably the largest activity the Church has ever had here) A few of the members attended the activity and the only members who brought their friends were the ones who were recently baptized. But even though we were without the power speakers and had a lot of empty chairs, we sang a lot and I believe our talks went very well. I think the Lord got his point across about how important it is for the members to be involved in bringing their friends to the missionary activities. The missionaries can do all they can, the branch president can do everything in his power, but without the help of the members, missionary work is always going to be slower than God intends it to be. I hope this activity showed the members how much they need to be involved because that is what I believe the end result was suppose to be for this activity. That being said, a lot of the members told us that the reason they did not attend the activity was because they thought it was going to rain. We assume many others thought the same thing. We are going to have two more of these activities, and hopefully with the help of the members, it will be even a greater success. I love you both and I thank you for everything you have prepared me for. I needed every bit of it, especially now.
Love you both so much,
Your Son Elder Myers

PS- I don´t need vitamins. I've inherited quite a few from Elder Davenport and from my MTC companion, Elder Swarts. Thanks anyway! Also, I just bought some hair clippers, so I should be getting my first missionary haircut in Argentina today (I know, my hair is a little too long but I am trying to repent of that... for good.)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Learning the PIANO!

Hola. I don’t have much time this week because of a mission project I have been working on -but know this, by the end of the week I will be helping teach the first lesson in front of a fairly large audience of people in a language I don’t completely understand! Awesome huh? My new companion is Elder Kammerman and he is a very good Elder. He only gets to be here for three weeks because of military purposes. Here is some advice for those of you wanting to go on a mission. LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO! (One of the Elders in our group, Elder Luke, is teaching me how to play the piano. It would have been better if I had learned to play the piano before my mission) Also, do every thing you can do to improve your memory because having a good memory is so useful in the mission field. To help improve my memory, I am trying to memorize a scripture a day and I can already see improvements. And last of all, study the scriptures-- because if you study the scriptures you will be basically set! That’s all I have time for today! Love you and talk to you later! - Elder Myers

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


(Elder Aidukaitis of the Seventy)

Hola! Como le va? Bien? Bueno. Well, it has been another crazy week here. First of all- my companion had to go to Mendoza for a district meeting. He will be gone for 2 days. While he is gone, I will join the other two missionaries (Elder Luke from Colorado and Elder Stufflebeam—And yes, that is how you spell his name) Just so you know mom, Elder Stufflebeam has a great narrator voice-with no accent! I’m not kidding! He could be on the radio. Other elders always try to get him to tell stories because they just want to listen to his voice. So, I think I found your narrator for Christmas on Both Hemispheres! (Dad, There’s not much to say about our apartment except that we live on the second story of a Shoe Store) We took a trip to San Rafael for a Zone Conference and we got to hear from Elder Aidukaitis of the Seventy. He taught us how we should plan. He flat-out said (in Spanish of course) that none of us knew how to plan. He challenged us to take 6-7 hours this week when we do our weekly planning. He said that if we would do that, we would learn how to plan.. Our jaws basically dropped. He, the mission president, and the mission presidents wife, gave us a ton of great advice and I already feel like a better missionary. Lastly and the best news of all was that we had a family of three get baptized this week! I didn't do any baptizing, but I gave the baptismal talk and surprisingly enough I don't think it was that bad! Also, we (the missionaries) participated in a special musical number before the baptisms. During the baptismal service we could feel the families happiness. Afterwards, the father went up to my companion and said with tears in his eyes, "I feel like all my guilt is just gone". They are an awesome family. I could literally see the changes in their lives as I got to help teach them. They are like new people. To think, the wife didn't even believe in God before the missionaries found their family, and now she might be one of the strongest converts in the whole mission. I'm more excited than I ever have been. This is what missionary work is all about, talking with people and trying your best to make them as happy as they can be.

I love it here! - An excited Elder Myers
PS- Random fact about the Argentine culture: People are amazing on bikes. Everyone rides bikes and they hardly ever use their hands (even when turning). If they do use their hands, it is usually because they are holding a big box or something

Travis' Response Note to Mom’s letter:
Hahaha! I love you mom! By the way, I probably weigh less than I did in high school. We walk ALL day. but I'm trying to keep some muscle and work-out in the mornings with those bands I got before I left. Most of the time I just feel real stiff and just stretch --but its all good. I would love to be a part of your Spanish/English lessons. I’m glad to hear about the choir. "What would the Lord want you to do?" (Note from Rachel: When Travis was home, I encouraged him to be in the Ward Choir. He really did not want to be in the choir and when he hesitated I ask him, “Travis, what would the Lord want you to do?” Reluctantly, he would attend the Choir practices.) I love you tons Mom!

Travis' Response Note to Dad’s letter.
I would LOVE to go to any fish restaurant right now. The only seafood I've had here is squid and tuna and that was only because my companion couldn't believe he could find squid and I was craving some tuna. The squid sandwich was disgusting. Most of the time, we usually just have noodles and meat. The meat has actually been going up in price here so we don't get as much meat as I first thought we would. We are fed pretty well though. Love you dad! Your son Elder Travis Myers

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Presidential Election in Argentina

Wow--Crazy week. Yesterday was the presidential election in Argentina and the people were just going crazy last night. Here, everybody has to vote and elections are a HUGE deal. Apparently they found out who won last night and so everybody got in their cars and honked their horns all night long. Great tradition! Also there was basically a drum line on the main street of Malargue (Ma-Larg-Way) and because we live right off that same street, thankfully we heard all of the celebration. I was so tired last night that even with all the noise, I was able to fall asleep within 5 minutes. I believe it is a gift to be able to sleep through noise. We had the best preparation day possible. A family that is about to get baptized, and who really like the missionaries, decided to take us to the most beautiful place in all of Malargue. I'll send pictures later but look up "Las Leñas" if you have the chance. It was awesome! While there, I made a small snowman in the mountains. More good news! We found a family that looked moderately interested in hearing the gospel. We started knocking on the doors (If they have a fence you just clap really loud as many times as you want. I can now clap fairly loud) and we taught this lady a short lesson at her door. She said we could come back! So excited! More good news! I'm starting to understand and talk more with people. One time I was listening to this guy and from what I could understood, he was telling us that he drank so much soda that his feet started to swell like pumpkins and he had to drink water to get all the sugar out. After that conversation with this guy, I was thinking I needed to practice my Spanish more because my translation of what he was saying was ridiculous. As it turned out, my translation was correct! That is exactly what he was saying!. The Doctor actually told him he needed to drink water to get the sugar out of his feet. All is well here and its great to hear from you! Talk to you later!

Elder Myers

PS- Here's another note for Kami. I heard all the big cooks here (Like the Martha Stewart’s of Argentina) just put a ton of alcohol in everything. You have to be careful with the ice cream (helado) here because a lot of it has alcohol. I do have another favorite food here---Pastel de papa. It's one of the best foods in Argentina. ¡Es muy rica!

Friday, October 21, 2011

COLECTIVOS, SEQUIAS and barking that never ceases...


Hey Family!
I´m glad to hear from everybody! I liked the pictures and letters muchisimo (very much). The language is coming along a little better. I am trying to talk more in the lessons. At least the people we teach seem to understand what I´m trying to say.
We had a lot more lessons this week, mainly with less active members and quiet a few of them came back to church this week. Oh, I gave a talk in church this week about prophets and why it’s important to follow their words. I guess it was alright. I´ll keep it to see how bad it actually was after my mission. hahaha. It was really windy this week. I had to walk sideways at what seemed to be a 45 degree angle just to stand up. There are about 3 dogs of every kind to every person. The barking never ceases. I think a dog tried to bite me a few days ago but it missed (kinda funny). The dog was pretty little so I´m not sure it would have hurt that much anyway. One thing that's pretty interesting here are the buses, called colectivos. They are two-story buses that are more like miniature planes. We took one this morning for our Preparation Day to the city San Rafael. Because we are so far away from everybody, we are allowed to take trips outside of our area twice a month. San Rafael is pretty awesome. A Cyber (pronounced see-bear in a Spanish accent) is where we go every week to e-mail. They have a lot better computers there. I was going to send pictures today but... we woke up 10 minutes before our colectivo was to leave and in all the rush, I forgot them.

Because we live so close to the mountains, they have some ditch like things called sequias, which are usually about 3 feet deep and a foot or two wide. These sequias channel the water all over the city. Here we are challenged to talk to 10 people a day. One day while we were at the sequia, I noticed one family walk from the road to the sidewalk. It seemed they were trying to avoid us. I needed to talk to one more person to fill my quota for the day and it was nearing the time to go back to the apartment (pension or in missionary terms Pench). So, I decided to pick up my pace a bit, jump across the sequia (say-key-a) and say hello to the family on the sidewalk. I´m not sure they were so happy to see me but I was just overjoyed! Yep, things are always getting better here and I think I´m almost getting used to things.With my Spanish improving, I even think the members are starting to like me a little better.
Love ya!
Elder Travis Myers

PS- Note to Kami. Look up the recipe for Dulce de Leche. Put it on anything!!! Awesome!!

Mom and Dad,
I´m glad to hear it´s raining again! Mama, I loved the story you told about going to church in the Rain. I love you both and have been thinking about "yall" pretty often. Don't worry--. not to the point of home sickness. I try to work harder when I think about home, so don´t worry about me.
Your son Elder Travis Myers

Monday, October 10, 2011

Keep praying for me!

(Food Travis talked about in this letter...Noquis)

Hey Everyone!
Okay so this was more or less crazy. We're having a ton of luck with people in the streets and everyone seems to want to hear the gospel. However, when we go to their house we either find out the address does not even exist or they are not there. We haven't been in a single new investigators house. We then always end up giving practice lessons at a members house. I guess we're just not having much luck. Next week I think we are going to actually visit someone new, but just in case, pray people will be there. I still can hardly understand anyone and some of the members of the branch don't like me as much because I can't understand anything they are saying to me. Oh well. I made a study plan so I'm not really worried about it. Donny will be happy to know I made my first cardboard, Ensign picture scripture case. I need to buy some more tape, but I must say it looks pretty sweet. Also, I got sick at the first part of the week, and then the day after I started feeling better we had a hailstorm. It was kind of funny. We were buying milk for a member, dont ask, and as we were walking back it just started hailing like crazy. I'd say fruit-loop sized hail. No rain. It covered the ground in a matter of five minutes. It looked like it had snowed! Also, I got to go on exchanges with the other new missionary who has the same amout of time out as I do. Surprisingly, we didn't do too bad and we made it through the day. As for the ward, there are about 40 people attending church and about 600 members. That's something we plan on working on. The food is pretty good. We mostly make it ourselves, but the members feed us pretty often. I've had things called ñoquis which were awesome (Kami might want to look them up) and beef filled green baby pumpkins with potatoes...that was interesting. The people are great, the kids shout "Heelo! Wha chour name?" - and things like that. Yes, I have been called a giraffe. Some kid took our name tags for about five minutes. Dogs are everywhere and only one of them looked like it would have bite us so that's all good. Well, I can't write everything down here. I've already seen miracles happen here, but I dont really have time to write them all. I'm keeping up with my journal so don't worry.
Love all of you!
Elder Myers

PS We don't get to wash clothes much, but I'm suppose to wash them today... Love ya mom and dad!


Monday, October 3, 2011

He's serving in his first area! Malargüe, Argentina!

(Look how close he is to CHILE!)

(Dirt road in Malargüe - on Wikipedia it says that the city is known for its traditional dish, the chivito (baby goat), so I thought this picture was appropriate!)

Padres! (parents)

It’s great to hear from you. And, it is really difficult to type on a Spanish keyboard, but all is well. Please don’t give me any more wonderful food descriptions. (like the dinners you had with family last weekend) I can’t take it.!

The airports in Argentina were fun. Before leaving the MTC, I finally got to the point where I could understand the language pretty well and then when I arrived in Argentina, I found out that the myth was true! The language we learned at the MTC is NOT the same language the people speak in Argentina! People talk so fast and so slurred. It’s unbelievable! That was kind of a shock to me.

We finally got to Mendoza, spent the night in a little house lined with razor wire, and we all had a blast! We woke up the next morning, had a little bit of breakfast, got some training, had lunch, met our new companions, and then had some more training. There is apparently a new pilot program in the mission field where we (the new missionaries) take the lead in the lessons. WE invite people to baptism in the first lesson and WE also start the Restoration lesson.

On to my companion. His name is Elder Davenport and is from Idaho. When I asked him where we would be serving he said, ...”I will tell you later.” I soon found out we were heading south, to a place called Malargüe, the furthest area away from Mendoza. It was a really fun- six hour- bus ride! We are 6 hours away from the mission home and the closest missionaries to us are three hours away. There are 4 missionaries here (including me) and we do a LOT of walking.

The first day we walked a lot, presented one lesson, and had a meal at a members house. I didn't understand a word anyone said that day, but about 6 people on the street gave us their addresses.

The second day we walked by about ten houses and no one was home. We didn't get a single address from anybody. My legs have never been more sore. At least I'm getting stronger!

Although I can’t really understand the people that much... I try to talk to the people on the streets. Any time they say something. I have to turn to my companion for help. There isn’t much grass here so my shoes and basically everything else that I wear has a nice layer of dirt on them. Yes mom, there are dirt roads. All is well though so don't worry because I'm starting to understand the people little by little.

One funny story for the week. We talked to this really happy guy who knew a little bit of English. When my companion asked him where he learned it, he said something that I couldn’t understand. (Imagine that!) Anyway, we continued our conversation with him. Afterwards I asked my companion where the guy had learned English. "He learned it in prison Elder. I’m just glad he didn't kill any body!" Fun huh? Well, we are protected and that guy was too nice to us to do anything anyway.

Love you all and I love it here!
Elder ¿Misheres? (Myers)

PS Tell Brother Roberts I have already had four alfajores and I am buying my milk in bags Also, I got to watch General Conference in English. I loved it. It seemed to me the talks were all about missionary work and I plan on using every bit of advice I received! Love yall!


Travis called from the Salt Lake Airport on September 26, 2011. He said he was ready and glad to be out of the MTC and on his way. He was traveling with 20 Elders/Sisters headed for Argentina and their next stop was NEW YORK/JFK airport. He called again from New York and had a wonderful conversation with his parents. After a day of worry (on our part) and wondering if he arrived safely - Mom received the following email and photo. We are SO excited he is safely in the arms of those loving missionaries and mission president. We are so anxious to hear from him and find out who his new companion is and where he is serving.

¡¡ Hola Familias !!!

How are we all doing? Let me tell you . I am tired! It has been quite the adventure.

I would like to inform each and every one of you that your Missionary has arrived safely into our arms!! Last night, as all 20 of our new Missionaries arrived, they had the privilege to eat dinner with our wonderful mission president, President Avila, and his family. Everyone has Smiles and we can honestly feel their energy and excitement to share the Gospel!! They are an amazing group.

Today was a day full of even more training meetings and each had the opportunity to be interviewed by President Avila . . . in Spanish! Your Missionary has met their trainer and many are traveling the last leg of their journey to their area right now.

Feel free to respond with questions. Just know that your child is Safe and Happy here in the Grand Misión Mendoza!

We love you.
Elder Ostler
Secretario Misión Mendoza Argentina


September 20, 2011

Well, life is good! Mi espanol es muy malo pero, Yo pienso yo puedo aprender. no se.
I don't have a lot of time this week . I will be leaving the MTC at 3:00 am Monday morning for the Salt Lake City Airport. From there we will fly to the Dallas/ Fort Worth Airport. Then we will fly to the New York/JFK airport and then we’ll fly to Argentina. After we arrive in Argentina, we will probably be on a bus for 11 hours, traveling across the country to Mendoza. That should be fun! A lot of study time! See ya!
Elder Myers

P.S.- I 've seen Ben Winslett quite a few times and I might get to host Elder Seigfried tomorrow!

Hey Madre y Padre,

I can’t wait to call ya’ll. By the time you get this letter, I will have probably already called ya’ll and arrived in Argentina. I just want to let you both know that I AM READY! My Spanish might not be awesome, but I think I can teach about every lesson. I am going to work hard and believe that even if I get into what people call a ‘dead area’, I can still bring success, because the Lord is preparing people everywhere. I love you both and want you to not worry about me. Tristan is in a room right down the hall from me. He’s so excited to be here and hopefully we can get a picture together today.
Well, love ya’ll!
Your son,
Elder Myers
P.S. I’m sending a whole packet home of letters. I don’t think I have room for them in my suitcase.

Temple Experience Discussion

LETTER Received September 20, 2011

Okay, we literally have no time to write today. I love you both so much. I’m beginning to realize the pressure of the mission and my new calling as District Leader. I think I’ll get over it soon but just keep me in your prayers (not that I don’t think you are already doing that). Love ya!
Your son,
Elder Myers

Snail Mail this week:

Hey Mom and Dad!

“…I couldn’t be happier here and I think I’m learning more Spanish. I know I can’t speak great, but I think I might be able to express myself when I get to Argentina. I might have to act out a few things, but I think I can get my point across. Other than that, there’s nothing much going on here that hasn’t been going on before.

I guess I can share one story. Every Tuesday we have a devotional by a General Authority and after every devotional, we have a class testimony/discussion over what was taught. In one of our discussions we had about 30 minutes left over to do whatever. I felt prompted to ask if anyone had a special experience at the temple that day. After a few moments of silence, the sisters spoke up and said that when they were leaving the temple that day, they had seen some non-members going on a walk. They had a feeling to go and talk to them but they continued to walk all the way back down the mountain, to their dorm. When they got back to their dorm, they decided they had to go back and find the family. So, they walked all the way back up the mountain because that thought bugged them that much. They found the family still there and they just talked to them awhile. After they shared their experience with us, we had an awesome discussion of how the Spirit prompts people and how that prompting could change peoples lives. I learned the importance of having the Spirit as a companion. I know that if we have the Spirit when we teach, people will feel those same feelings. They might not accept it at first and they may walk away, but if they really feel something, it will be hard for them to forget and there is a good chance they will come back. Well, I love you two a ton and I just want you to know that I’m doing just fine. And if something bad does happen, “I ain’t a caring.”
Love, You son, Elder Travis Dillon Myers



(MISSION "Field")

E-MAIL received Sep 13, 2011
Hey Everybody! Absolutely nothing new here. Same thing every day, and I'm kinda ready to be in the field! All is well. I don't think I've ever been happier. Maybe when I'm in the field I'll have more to write about but as for now... nothing. Oh, fact for the day. I've lost 10 pounds since I've been here. no joke. I might be sending some pants back. It's all good though.
Elder Myers

P.S.- Mom and Dad, I'm not sure where I can get Jason Palfreymans address but I need it. I love you a ton and if I could get some family pictures ---that would be great too. I don't have any pictures of you two and the elders and sisters in my district really want to see who I'm mimicking. Ha ha ha. Love ya!

E-MAIL Received September 13, 2011

Hey! I didn´t use up all my time today so I get to write a little more. One of my companions was on the verge of being sent home this week because of his injured foot. He said his foot wasn´t fully healing and it still hurt him to walk. He talked to one of the Presidencies of the MTC and they told him that he would not be able to go to his original mission but they were sending his name to the Quorum of the twelve tomorrow for possible reassignment. He should have his new calling by tomorrow night or the next morning! He will be going to some mission that has cars. Maybe he'll get sent to the Texas Houston South Mission! Awesome right? He might be a little upset that he can't go to Mexico, but I think he is SOO relieved that he can just go. Well that's the news of the week. Bye! Elder Myers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elder Jeffery R. Holland SPEAKS at the MTC

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, an Apostle of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints came and spoke to the missionaries at the MTC. Travis shared some of his notes with us.

"I love you and honor you. We love you more than I can say. (He did not have any notes) My mission has been everything to me.
My mission was shortly after the Ark landed! Somebody in here is going to have to take my place. If you are struggling, welcome to life. Almost all of the missionary work will be done in this dispensation. If you take all the missionaries in the world before this dispensation, hardly any lasted very long and ended in apostasy. This is the only time (dispensation) when there will be no apostasy. There are 340 missions in the church today, --adding a few more this summer. You are the chosen generation to serve. All the missionary work that will truly matter will happen in this dispensation. These early missionaries knew they would not succeed, but they knew we would. I believe they kept going because they knew of us. Ours is the day that every prophet, priest, and king dreamed of “Joseph Smith’. We are the most prayed for people on the face of the earth along with
the president of the Church. If there were a symbol of the Church, it would be a picture of two missionaries. You do not have the right to compromise that—everybody loves the missionaries. You have a moral & solemn obligation to uphold this. You are not entitled to forget this. People have given their lives for this work, the most recent-4 hours ago (a missionary was killed in an automobile accident last week-RM). My mission meant everything to me. I’ve been home for 49 years next week, but who is counting? We are going to be new people after this. Don’t turn your back on your nieces and nephews that think you are perfect. We’re not perfect, but people have the right to think you are."
(Missisonary submitted questions)

That He told the truth. Every word, and you can trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and "lean not to thine own understanding.." I command you to repent. You are going out to help people not to suffer. If you need to repent, do it TONIGHT!!! Everybody need to repent. We all need to be better than we are.

By diving into the scriptures. (Personal favorites of Elder Holland) 20 verses we get the lst lesson of 1 Nephi vs. 12 1 Nephi 1 “as he read this book he was filled with the Spirit …The Book of Mormon itself is a vehicle of the Spirit. D&C 18:34-36 Best scripture on scripture. One verse of scripture which the hinge of eternity would revolve (James 1:5). D&C 76-wo greatest revelations of all time. Truly learn how to pray. Wrestle, hunger, knelt, cried, mighty prayer=vigorously prayed
Try harder to burst into the Kingdom. DO NOT LOSE THE SPIRIT. It is not a spiritual world out there, It is a fallen world.

Go on a mission. Marry as soon as possible after your mission (when you are ready). Get as much education as you can get. People pay you for your brain. I like people who can do things…Ralph Waldo Emerson

Very close. For 24 months you get to be apostolic with a lower case “a”. We are witnesses and have a message for people. We are going to try to find ways to save the children of God. Goal for tonight, You are going to love your apostolic mission.

Your heart. The Savior said, “Their hearts are far from me..” You are going to go out there and TALK, TALK, TALK, TALK. Your only tool is words. Don’t say the words unless you feel them in your heart—And you have to say them. Give Him your heart.

I am very imperfect but the most perfect part about me is the love for my children. God really is perfect. He knows you. He gave the Perfect for the imperfect. Boy that’s a Father for ya. Abba—closest translation “Daddy/Pappa” God loves you.


"God Loves You..."

Hey Mom and Dad!
…There is a sister (Sister Juan) in our District that has this really interesting laugh. Usually you laugh by exhaling, right? Well, instead of doing that, she laughs while inhaling. On Monday we had to teach our other classmates a lesson and it was our turn to teach Sister Juan (‘Nina” was her Spanish name) She acted as an investigator. Right before our lesson, something happened that was apparently funny and the whole class started laughing. I for some reason decided to laugh very nerdy and loud. I then said, “Wow! That’s an obnoxious laugh!” Sister Juan went silent. I was horrified. Everybody kept joking around and she ended up saying, “The more comments from you elders, the harder this lesson is going to be.” I was thinking, “Wow, Elder Myers, you are the biggest jerk!” Well, we taught our lesson and every thing seemed fine. Afterwards in class, our teacher (Hermano Paz Soldan) was outside talking to another student (Elder Wheeler) so I took the opportunity to apologize. I said, “Hermana Juan, you weren’t offended by anything I said in the lesson, were you?” “…No, what are you talking about?” So in essence, she didn’t hear what I said and I had to explain why I thought she might be offended---not exactly what I had in mind to do. Oh well, “I ain’t-a –care-in.” (one of Travis’ favorite lines from an old Jimmy Stewart black and white movie RM)
So on a more spiritual note, I was feeling kind of down this week. I felt like the Spanish was not going very well. I even felt like my teacher was discouraged with the progress of how my lessons were going. The next day I just prayed and ask Heavenly Father to help me in the language and for my teacher to have faith in me. That very day we had a one- on-one teacher session. I ask him about the Plan of Salvation because I was having a hard time teaching it in Spanish and he explained it the best way possible. He went on to say, “Elder Myers, God loves you. He called you on a mission to Argentina because He knows you and needs your help. He trusts you and knows you can do it.” … He said a few more things... it was like God was talking to me through him. Since that experience, I know exactly what has to happen when I’m teaching my investigators. It was an awesome experience!...
Love you both so much,
Your son, Elder Myers


Well, I got called to be District Leader this week. Woohoo... I guess it´s cool but I don´t think I´ll ever feel comfortable interviewing the other elders in my district. We had to move to a different residence hall today too because there are a ton of buildings getting renovated and they decided to choose ours next. because there are three of us in a companionship they decided to give us the small room. When I mean small, I mean this place might have been a storage closet before they renovated it. oh well. I´m guessing we´ll have some real companionship bonding. as far as the language, I´d say it´s coming along fairly well. I´m far from fluent but at least I can understand what people are telling me and I can somewhat tell people what they need to here. I still have a hard time expressing myself, but at the same time it´s not nearly as much as a staring contest as it used to be. Other than that, nothing much here. Just trying my best to learn how to make others happy.
Elder Myers

PS' If you wanted to know the Elders y Hermanas in our district, here they areÑ
Elder Sheridan, Bateman, Miller, Me, Wheeler, Maughn, Rodgers, Tingey, Swarts
Hermana Haskel, John, Brietweiser, Eteaki
The ones in yellow already left for the dominican republic MTC.

See yah! (Nos vemos!)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

PICTURES from the MTC!!!

Madre Y Padre!
I have been doing so much better. The language is still kinda slow but I think I’m going to get it . I have been studying topics so I can teach my investigators better. I began studying about the Word of Wisdom (aka la plabera de sabadiria) The other day a pair of missionaries were ask about the Word of Wisdom and had no idea what was going on. I didn’t want that to happen to me, so I started (e) studying. First I read D&C 89 of course, and then kinda outlined how the chapter went, which verses covered the intro, tobacco, alcohol, blessings, and things you should eat. Then, when Elder Maughn, (District Leader) was reading Jesus the Christ he said, “Check this out!. Adam and Eve always had the Word of Wisdom!” So I looked in Genesis and noticed something I had not seen before. I learned they were only commanded to eat grains and other whole foods---NO MEAT.—the Word of Wisdom! I read it and read it again.

I then looked up Word of Wisdom in the Topical Guide and found a huge list of scriptures where the Lord commanded his servants not to drink wine. I was “flewgerbusted!” (family joke R Myers) I accidentally turned to cleanliness in the Bible Dictionary and there it was again in Lev. 10 I kept reading other scriptures about the Word of Wisdom and learned that a SIGN for those who kept the Word of Wisdom was that they did not cut their hair. I looked in the footnotes and found in Judges 12 and 1`3 where Samson’s mom was commanded to not cut Samson’s hair. Guess what the verse above it said? “Do not drink wine or strong drink” I was saying to myself, “No way!” Once again I was “flewgerbusted” I haven’t read the full story of Samson yet but I fully believe that the reason why Samson was so strong was because he kept the Word of Wisdom. I felt like Daniel for that whole hour of study.time. It was great! Hopefully I can have more study sessions like that. . I have a few other things that I’ve learned but I need to ask Daniel some questions before I can share some more of what I am learning. Also, every time I go to the temple I learn something new! One of my goals for my mission (on a personal level) is to KNOW the SCRIPTURES. I want to have a scripture in mind for almost any topic. It seems like some of the elders are already turning to me for scriptures and I want to always be able to tell them where they can find certain scriptures. Oh well, I guess that’s all I have to say. I love you both so much and I just want to thank you both for teaching me the gospel (el evangelio) and the scriptures, (las escripturas). Of course I don’t know it all but I believe by the time I leave the MTC I will know the scriptures better than I ever have and I’ll be able to help others around me. I just want to build the kingdom. I love you and love hearing from you..
Love, Elder Myers
PS. Elder Tingey and I are getting a new companion! I want to say the new elder’s name is Elder Swarts. This means we are going to be a trio! . His district is leaving Thursday. but because he broke his foot , he can’t leave with his district. If he doesn’t get well before we leave, he will be sent home, so keep him in your prayers.

Friday, September 2, 2011

August 30th from the MTC...FIRST HAIRCUT!

Hola! Como esta? Yo estoy muy feliz bueno. I got my first MTC hair-cut today! Now I really look like I’m in the “Lord’s Army!” It’s pretty short but I like it. I’m feeling more and more comfortable with the language. It takes me forever to say things (cosas) pero (but) I think I’m finally starting to get it(-----I think) Well, everything is good here! Nothing much different than last week. Nos vermos.
Elder Myers

#1 QUESTION from Mama

- I get to read DEAR ELDER LETTERS on the day they are sent. They print them out and give them to us as if they were letters. I can receive E-mails only on Tuesday and I can only write letters on Tuesday.

#2 QUESTION from Mama
In your last letter, you sent a little 3x5 card asking friends, relatives etc, to not send perishable food. I don’t want to break rules—so just let me know if sending Rice Krispy Treats is a NO NO…

Rice Krispy Treats are okay. Everyone loves them and they seem pretty perish-resistant to me! I don't think Jello would make it though. I thought to myself "What? no Jello?!"(family joke, r myers)

#3 QUESTION from Mama

I still don't know my mailing address. That’s probably something I should know by now..

#4 QUESTION from Mama
BEN WINSLETT IS WONDERING IF YOU COULD BE HIS HOST ON THE DAY HE ENTERS THE MTC. Ben will be entering the MTC September 14th… Tristen will be entering the MTC September 21st (Both boys are excited to see you)

I would love to be Ben and Tristans host! I don't know if I'll get too because we are pretty much called to that kind of thing randomly, but the rumor is going around that I might be the next district leader, so maybe I can get my foot in the door for that. I need to know what time they are suppose to arrive on those days so I can make sure I get them. That would be so awesome! Ben might even be in my zone if we’re lucky.

August 26th letter from MTC...

Hey Mom and Padre!
I can’t say anything amazing happened this week--- well, I take that back. One of the major things you learn about teaching from Preach My Gospel- is asking questions and getting to know people (so you can better fit the lesson to their life.) You both know, I have a problem with asking questions. (YOU DIDN’T ASK HER ABOUT TENNIS? Pssssss!---family joke R Myers) Last night,(Monday) we had a teaching opportunity where me, Elder Tingey, and Elder Swarts taught the Sisters in our district. Let me tell you right now that the Sister Missionaries don’t make it easy for anybody!!. One of them was a theatre major before she got here and she uses that talent in any way she can! We started our lesson (in English this time) and all of a sudden, I just started asking all kinds of questions. By the first few minutes, we knew exactly what they needed to hear because the Spirit helped us discern that.. Even though they were trying to stump us, the Spirit ended up testifying to them of our message. I felt like I was a companion to Alma and Amulek Afterwards, they told us we did a great job. That was the cool experience for the week. Now, I might as well bear my testimony. You can probably tell what it says. Yo se que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y Redentor, Yo se que Jose Smith fue un profeta de Dios y Tomas S Monson es nuestro profeta a hoy Yo se que el libro de Mormon is verdadero y La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es verdadero. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen!
Con mucho amor, Tu Hijo,
Elder Travis Dillon Myers

P.S. Mom, I don’t know if I mentioned this yet, but your letter about "Never getting too upset about things" could not have come at a better time. The day I got you letter was the hardest day so far for me and I needed it. Thanks.

August 19th Letter from MTC

Madre Y Padre!

I have been doing so much better. The language is still kinda slow but I think I’m going to get it . I have been studying topics so I can teach my investigators better. I began studying about the Word of Wisdom (aka la plabera de sabadiria) The other day a pair of missionaries were ask about the Word of Wisdom and had no idea what was going on. I didn’t want that to happen to me, so I started (e) studying. First I read D&C 89 of course, and then kinda outlined how the chapter went, which verses covered the intro, tobacco, alcohol, blessings, and things you should eat. Then, when Elder Maughn, (District Leader) was reading Jesus the Christ he said, “Check this out!. Adam and Eve always had the Word of Wisdom!” So I looked in Genesis and noticed something I had not seen before. I learned they were only commanded to eat grains and other whole foods---NO MEAT.—the Word of Wisdom! I read it and read it again. I then looked up Word of Wisdom in the Topical Guide and found a huge list of scriptures where the Lord commanded his servants not to drink wine. I was “flewgerbusted!” (family joke R Myers) I accidentally turned to cleanliness in the Bible Dictionary and there it was again in Lev. 10 I kept reading other scriptures about the Word of Wisdom and learned that a SIGN for those who kept the Word of Wisdom was that they did not cut their hair. I looked in the footnotes and found in Judges 12 and 1`3 where Samson’s mom was commanded to not cut Samson’s hair. Guess what the verse above it said? “Do not drink wine or strong drink” I was saying to myself, “No way!” Once again I was “flewgerbusted” I haven’t read the full story of Samson yet but I fully believe that the reason why Samson was so strong was because he kept the Word of Wisdom. I felt like Daniel for that whole hour of study.time. It was great! Hopefully I can have more study sessions like that. . I have a few other things that I’ve learned but I need to ask Daniel some questions before I can share some more of what I am learning. Also, every time I go to the temple I learn something new! One of my goals for my mission (on a personal level) is to KNOW the SCRIPTURES. I want to have a scripture in mind for almost any topic. It seems like some of the elders are already turning to me for scriptures and I want to always be able to tell them where they can find certain scriptures. Oh well, I guess that’s all I have to say. I love you both so much and I just want to thank you both for teaching me the gospel (el evangelio) and the scriptures, (las escripturas). Of course I don’t know it all but I believe by the time I leave the MTC I will know the scriptures better than I ever have and I’ll be able to help others around me. I just want to build the kingdom. I love you and love hearing from you..
Love, Elder Myers

PS. Elder Tingey and I are getting a new companion! I want to say the new elder’s name is Elder Swarts. This means we are going to be a trio! . His district is leaving Thursday. but because he broke his foot , he can’t leave with his district. If he doesn’t get well before we leave, he will be sent home, so keep him in your prayers.